— Yahoo!ニュース (@YahooNewsTopics) June 5, 2022

このニュースについて海外ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、reddit1、2、youtube1、ycombinator1)
The building blocks of proteins... and asteroids!
Fascinating!! Amino acids and water ice...could we encounter bacterial life deep inside an asteroid someday?
┗ 宇宙には生命があふれている。
Betcha space is swarming with life.
Betcha space is swarming with life.
We are not alone ☄️
Why the fuck are there amino acids on asteroids??
┗ 神は宇宙に塩を撒くように生命を撒き散らしている。
God is sprinkling life on the universe like salt bae
God is sprinkling life on the universe like salt bae
┗ もしかしたら、それらは意識体なのかもしれない。
Perhaps they are conscious entities
Perhaps they are conscious entities
I'm just an amateur but isn't this.. kinda important?
┗ これまでにも多くの隕石からアミノ酸が見つかっているから、それ自体はそれほど驚くことではないよ。
We’ve found amino acids in lots of meteorites before, so it’s not that surprising by itself.
We’ve found amino acids in lots of meteorites before, so it’s not that surprising by itself.
does that mean there was life elsewhere and it blew up just to get to you.
┗ アミノ酸は、理論的には星や惑星よりも古くから存在していた可能性がある。実際、アミノ酸は真空の宇宙空間でも、エネルギーを必要とせずに形成されることがわかってきた。
"amino acids could, theoretically, even predate stars and planets themselves. In fact, it finds, they can form in the vacuum of space without needing any energy — a phenomenon termed "dark chemistry."
"amino acids could, theoretically, even predate stars and planets themselves. In fact, it finds, they can form in the vacuum of space without needing any energy — a phenomenon termed "dark chemistry."
It's this another point in favor of the panspermia hypothesis?
(※補足)パンスペルミア説 - Wikipedia
┗ いや、今回のことは生命や生物由来と断定できるものではないので、「疑似パンスペルミア説」を支持する主張になる(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-panspermia)。アミノ酸は以前にも彗星で見つかっているけど、今回はもっと多く見つかったようだね。
No, since this is not life or things definitely made by life. It's a point in favour of pseudo-panspermia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-panspermia). Amino acids have been found in comets before, though it sounds like they found more here.
No, since this is not life or things definitely made by life. It's a point in favour of pseudo-panspermia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-panspermia). Amino acids have been found in comets before, though it sounds like they found more here.
(※補足) 擬似パンスペルミア説(※https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-panspermiaから一部翻訳)
What is the origin of the Ryugu asteroid though? If it's a fragment from an earth collision, that would mean we can't attribute this to extra terrestrial life, right?
I just have to say it ... Hayabusa is such a cool name ... just is.
┗ スズキのバイクみたいだ。
Like the Suzuki motorcycle
Like the Suzuki motorcycle
Like, this isn't "bacteria found on asteroid" or anything, completely different thing.
Asteroid had a high protein diet.
Fitness influencers are going to come out with products "made from asteroids" now and cite this.
┗ エイリアンが欲しがるものだね!
It's got what Aliens crave!
It's got what Aliens crave!
Its clear earthlings are not alone in this vast universe
The building blocks of life, come to think of it, building blocks of life could be everywhere. It would just need to be planted in the right atmosphere, like our blue planet the Goldilocks zone
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