WBA・IBF・WBC世界バンタム級王座統一戦#井上尚弥 vs #ドネア
— Amazon Prime Video(プライムビデオ) (@PrimeVideo_JP) June 7, 2022
3団体の王座を統一しました!#LiveBoxing#DramaInSaitama2 pic.twitter.com/Bb77D4u8qW
この試合について海外ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、2、facebook1)

Short left in rd 2 and Donaire is hurt and now down again and it is over! Ref waves it!!! Inoue erases Donaire to unify! What a performance.
Inoue stops Donaire in the 2nd round!! pic.twitter.com/1pmAkqDCGn
— Fuckie Chinster (@DailyBruise2) June 7, 2022
┗ あのパワーはとんでもない。 That power is insane.
┗ 残忍なKO。 Brutal ko
┗ P4P #1。
Inoue is not human. Taking out legend like Donaire in 2 rounds like he is some amateur fighter... Smh
Whether it was the left hook or the right hand, there was no escaping Inoue's power for Donaire. Perfect shot placement and effortless power. pic.twitter.com/c8sRYfsVJr
— Miguel Class (@MigClass) June 7, 2022
┗ あの階級で彼が生み出すパワーは謎に包まれている。パワーのあるライトニングハンドは、こめかみにも、あごにも壊滅的なダメージを与えてしまう!
The power he generates in that weight class is a mystery. Lightening fast hands with all that power is devastating on a temple and even worse on the jaw!
The power he generates in that weight class is a mystery. Lightening fast hands with all that power is devastating on a temple and even worse on the jaw!
Jesus Christ Inoue is such a fucking monster. Admittedly I'm not as well versed in the smallest weight classes in boxing but I've never seen someone that small have that kind of touch of death power
#InoueDonaire2 井上のことをP4Pの2番目以上と認めていない人がいれば、見直す必要がある。彼は今日、レジェンドの選手を2ラウンドのうちに破壊するという信じられないことを成し遂げた。
#InoueDonaire2 if you don't have Inoue as number 2 or better on your p4p you need to reevaluate. He did something incredible today by destroying a legend inside 2 rounds.
井上尚弥の試合は本当にすごい、あれはまったくもって残酷だった。今の彼の評価は間違いなくボクシング界のパウンド・フォー・パウンド。驚異的なパフォーマンス... 🥊 🥊 🥊 🥊 。
That was absolutely fucking brutal ny inoue, absolutely incredible. Surely £ for £ in world boxing now. Phenomenal performance… 🥊 🥊🥊
ドネアが無事で良かった・・・あれは鉄槌のハンマーのような一撃だった! 井上はやはりモンスターだ!
そしてドネアはやはりレジェンドの男だ !
Glad Donaire looks okay...that was a hammering! Inoue is a Monster!
Donaire is still an absolute legend!
Impressive showing from Inoue…he made adjustments and was in no way having a repeat of the first fight…
Inoue feints a jab which causes Donaire to try slip it on the outside, this leaves an opening for Inoue to land a staight while Donaire’s guard is down. Beautiful. pic.twitter.com/T27cg3NeC0
— Ted Bratby (@tedbratby) June 7, 2022
いい試合だったが、結果は意外だった。 ドネアは、最初の井上との試合で勇敢な姿を見せたが、今回の敗戦で引退するべきだと思っているだろう。
Good little fight, but I find the outcome unsurprising. Thought Donaire should have cut his losses and retired after his courageous showing in the first one.
Lets not forget both men wore the punchers gloves this time. That must of been like taking a lead pipe to the face from Inoue
(ESPN Ringside)
The MONSTER wasted no time 😲 @naoyainoue_410 knocked out Nonito Donaire in two rounds. #InoueDonaire2 pic.twitter.com/WmMxwcWRib
— ESPN Ringside (@ESPNRingside) June 7, 2022
┗ 野蛮!彼は世界最強だ! Savage! He’s one of the best in the world!
┗ 「暴力の詩」 "poetry of violence."
┗ これは悲しい。ノニトはただそこに立って、ガードも下がって、打撃を受け続けている・・・。 Man, this is sad. Nonito just standing there, guard dropping, taking the hits ...
┗ 「シャコは動物界で最も強いパンチを持つ生物である。」 "Mantis shrimp pack the strongest punch of any creature in the animal kingdom."
┗ 速く122(Sバンタム級)に階級を上げてほしい。フルトンと戦えるのもそう遠い話ではない。
Can't wait to see him move up to 122. About to fuck Fulton up in not too long
Can't wait to see him move up to 122. About to fuck Fulton up in not too long
┗ フェザー級に上げてナバレットと戦ってくれ。 Go up featherweight & fight Navarrette.
Sad to see Donaire go out like that. But there’s no shame in getting stopped by a super talent like Inoue, especially at the age of 39.
This. Inoue took a lot of power shots too, but he was still just sharper, faster and more powerful. You know, a monster.
Demolition job from the Monster.
┗ (アメリカ時間では)誰も朝食を一口も食べないうちに終わってしまったよ。
Everyone didn’t even get to take the 1st bite out of there breakfast
Everyone didn’t even get to take the 1st bite out of there breakfast
┗ 私はコーヒーの半分も飲めなかったよ。
Not even half way through my coffee.
Not even half way through my coffee.
Congratulations may your reign be a long one and your career longer still. Well done champ. Both had the fire power to do that but Inque struck first. No shame in that for Donaire.
Congrats to Champ Inoue. Salute to Champ Nonito but I think it's time to hang up his gloves. 2nd Filipino greatest boxer in Philippine boxing history.
The most appropriate name in boxing.
The Monster
Inoue earns that nickname every fight. He really is a Monster
Fight the best of the world,Want to see and watching you fight more..So exciting to watch just like the old donaire when he was in his prime, congratulations
I'm a Filipino
Doanire your still my one of the best .It's just inoue's prime and time
まさにモンスター。もう彼のことはNo.1 PFPキングと呼んじゃいましょうよ。
Truly a monster. Let's just call it already, #1 pfp king.
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