#フィギュアスケート 羽生結弦選手がプロ転向を表明。
— オリンピック (@gorin) July 19, 2022
これからの挑戦も楽しみです💫#オリンピック pic.twitter.com/2xTKBR4nZB
【#羽生結弦 選手 会見速報】
— NHKスポーツ (@nhk_sports) July 19, 2022

via @anzuarja/Twitter
このニュースについて海外ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1、youtube1)
What an amazing farewell. thank you Yuzu for everything. Missing you already. Fly high now that you’re free. I’ll see you one day to watch you enjoy your new chapter in life.
Will miss seeing him compete ... But in a small way , I am happy that he'll be able to take more care of himself from now on.... Truly thank you for the memories,
We won't see Yuzuru Hanyu at Olympics again but we will see him on the ice rinks, let's give him the time he deserves after all these years of competitions and injuries. We are proud of you, Yuzuru Hanyu.
悲しいです、でもユズは引退後も輝かしい人生を送るのでしょうね。そう思うのはユズはとにかく素晴らしく努力家で謙虚だからです。伝説と感動を本当にありがとうございました。大好きです❤️ 台湾
It’s sad but I know that Yuzu would live a shiny life after retirement because he is just so brilliant, hardworking, and humble. Thank you so much for your legend and inspiration. I love you ❤️
The saddest day of figure skating .....We will never see a legend like him again😭
Thank you for raising the standards in world figure skating. You have already curved your name in this sporting event. All the best in your future endeavors!
本当に寂しいけど、今まで素敵で忘れられない演技をありがとうございました💖 これからもずっと大好きです。健康のままで過ごしてください。頑張って、キング👑 バングラディッシュ
I'm actually feeling sad but Thank you for all the wonderful and unforgettable performance you gave to us 💖 You will forever be my favorite. Stay healthy, safe. Good luck, King 👑
歴史は彼のことを「史上最高The Greatest Of All Time」として永遠に記憶することでしょう。本当に彼は世界で最高水準のスポーツマンです。フィギュアスケートの本当の姿を教えてくれたし、誰も彼の芸術性に迫ることはできないでしょうし、次の羽生結弦は存在しないでしょう。彼は歴史を作るために生まれてきました。氷上の王子様、感動的で素晴らしいキャリアをありがとうございました。
History will forever remember him as The Greatest Of All Time. Really one of the bestest sportsman in the world. The one who showed us what figure skating actually is, no one will ever touch his artistry, there will be no next Yuzuru Hanyu. He was born to make history, prince of ice thank you so much for such an inspiring and outstanding career, wishing you the best in your new journey.
氷上に詩を実在させたような存在、まさにレジェンド。💕✨ #YuzuruHanyu
The real poem in the ice, a true legend. 💕✨ #YuzuruHanyu
As always, no matter what he chooses, which decision he makes, for me and believe many people who know or support him "Hanyu will be greatest figure skater forever, in our heart ❤"
There are not enough adjectives to describe this very special ground breaking athlete , all the very best in your next chapter you will be missed …..
Farewell, Yuzuru. Forever an inspiration.Wish you the best in the rest of your journey.
I can’t find a word to express my sadness right now. He might never know how happy he make me feel. I will continue support him no matter what.
ユズはこのスポーツに多大な貢献をしてくれました、彼は、芸術と技術のエレメンツを兼ね備えた最難関のプログラムを持つ、史上最も完成されたフィギュアスケーターという点で、他の人にも試合運びのあり方を変えました。本当にありがとう、アイスキング!プロフィギュアスケーターとしての新たな一歩を、世界中が応援しています❤。 スペイン
Yuzuu has contributed a lot to this sport, he changed the game for everyone in terms of being the most complete figure skater ever with the most difficult programs combining artistry and technical elements.Thank you for everything Ice King! The whole world will follow you in your new chapter as a pro figure skater❤
I will always say it, everything you do is art...I have always liked to compare your skating with the fall of a cherry blossom that announces the arrival of spring after winter, there is warmth in your presentations and that was what made staying with you since 2013...It may sound illogical but you managed to make ice warm, you really did well, you don't have to prove anything to anyone anymore because you are a legend,
このような素晴らしく、大きなレガシーを残した彼のことを私は永遠に応援し、愛します。これからはもう他のスケーターと比較されたり評価されることのないプロスケーターですね。プロスケーターとしての彼を見ることのできる日を、私は楽しみにしています。 イギリス
Hes such amazing person hes leaving with such a huge legacy I'll forever support and love him excited to see him as pro skater no more being compared and evaluated against other skaters
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