大谷翔平が13勝目 7回3安打無失点8K 第1打席で自ら援護の先制適時二塁打/詳細 - MLBライブ速報 : 日刊スポーツ
【 #エンゼルス 】#大谷翔平 のワンマンショー再び!!
— MLB Japan (@MLBJapan) September 18, 2022
そして打席でも自らを援護、あと少しで本塁打の先制タイムリー二塁打を放ちました👏👏#日本人選手情報https://t.co/yy33d3Khgo pic.twitter.com/TQjf6kdQrV
大谷の話題を中心に、現地の外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、reddit1、2、facebook1)

(米スポーツ専門メディア ※初回の場面)
大谷翔平は同じイニングでその両方をやってのけた。 🤯
It would be amazing if one player could EVER throw a 101.1 MPH sinker and hit an opposite field shot like this at 106.8 MPH.
— Codify (@CodifyBaseball) September 18, 2022
Shohei Ohtani just did both in the same inning. 🤯 pic.twitter.com/JUKHB7posx
wait his sinkers are hitting 101🤯🤯
About six inches from an oppo HR, no less... 💪
MVP no doubt about it.
an unbelievable 2-way player
Judge could hit 80 homers and Ohtani should still be the MVP.
Maybe Judge can throw 101.1 and a gem 🤷🏻♂️
I’m sure Aaron Judge has been working on his 101 MPH sinker and is ready to break it out for the Yankees any day now.
Wait ... is that one of the Pac-Man ghosts in the background?
I like how Ohtani just got bored and started messing around with a sinker and now it’s legit a great pitch lmao. He’s unreal..
打球速度: 106.8 mph
予想飛距離: 372フィート
Shohei Ohtani vs George Kirby#GoHalos
— Would it dong? (@would_it_dong) September 18, 2022
Double 🏃💨
Exit velo: 106.8 mph
Launch angle: 26 deg
Proj. distance: 372 ft
This would have been a home run in 25/30 MLB ballparks
SEA (0) @ LAA (1)
🔻 1st pic.twitter.com/MI8ULZIZkO
The king of “missed dongs” 😩
HR in my book
Would this have been a home run at yankee stadium?
judge would’ve hit it out
hora de reformar esse estádio
(※初回終了後のコメント)くそっ、今夜は大谷にキャリア初のノーヒットノーランをくらわなければ、それで我々の勝ちとしておこう。 マリナーズファン
Fuck it, if we can avoid giving Ohtani his first career no hitter tonight, that's a win.
Ohtani does it all! pic.twitter.com/W0PIMCLZHX
— MLB (@MLB) September 18, 2022
Throws that whole “Ohtani doesn’t play defense” narrative out the window
He does it all but be MVP
Runner up for MVP easily
Pitchin + hitting + defense That’s my MVP
I still can’t get over how Shohei Ohtani can just look at someone’s 100mph Sinker (a pitch that wasn’t in his repertoire), go “huh, yeah I can probably do that”, and just DOES IT. Like there are dudes that take full seasons developing new stuff. Not him apparently..
#LTBU Smiling on a Saturday night ⚾️❤️.
The UNICORN strikes again.
これは、ダルビッシュを相手にしたときの再来のような気がする。 マリナーズファン
Mariners hitters are all praying that Ohtani's breaking stuff just doesn't land in the strike zone and most of it either is or it's too enticing not to swing at with 2 strikes..
This feels like the Darvish game all over again..
今季のマリナーズはエンゼルスに8勝9敗だよ。なんてこった マリナーズファン
We are 8-9 against the Angels. WTF
Trout has 7 HR against us. Rengifo has 5. Ohtani faces us both pitching-wise and with his bat.
私は何度も決まり文句みたいに言っているけど、トラウトと大谷に対してはすべてIBB(申告敬遠)にしてほしいよ。 マリナーズファン
I know it's cliche to say it but I do wish we'd IBB Trout and Ohtani all game.
大谷がエンゼルスを去れば、彼を嫌いにならなくてすむし、そうなったらいいのにね。 マリナーズファン
It would be cool if Ohtani leaves the angels so I don’t have to hate him.
将来のマリナーズ選手、大谷。 マリナーズファン
Future Mariner, Ohtani.
(マリナーズ先発投手の)カービーは今夜、本当に大谷を上回る投球をしていたよ。彼に援護点をあげられなかったのは残念。 マリナーズファン
Kirby actually outpitched Ohtani tonight. Too bad we couldn't give him proper run support..
how did he out pitch him? ohtani gave up less runs, more innings, same SO
今年のジャッジは信じられないほどの活躍をしているが、大谷も毎年MVPに値する投打両方で高いレベルのプレーをしている。 マリナーズファン
Judges year has been incredible, but Ohtani deserves MVP every year he plays high level both sides.
You know and I know on a really good team he's be a 20 game winner..
Incredible year by Sho. But, a roid freak is gonna win the MVP.
Closing in on 15 wins 200 strikeouts, a sub 2.50 era, 35+ home runs, 100 RBI. He should be considered for co-MVP with Judge..
I truly encourage everyone to go and see this man play baseball at least once. We won't see another like him in this generation, literal history.
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