— FOOTBALL ZONE (@zonewebofficial) October 9, 2022
【文=Futsal X・河合拓】#フットサル日本代表 #フットサルアジア杯https://t.co/MCVfL1o21S
✨ 𝗖 𝗛 𝗔 𝗠 𝗣 𝗜 𝗢 𝗡 𝗦 ✨
日本が再びアジアフットサルの王者に。ブルーの男たちが4度目のアジアカップ王座を奪取!✨ 𝗖 𝗛 𝗔 𝗠 𝗣 𝗜 𝗢 𝗡 𝗦 ✨
— #ACFutsal2022 (@afcasiancup) October 8, 2022
🇯🇵 Japan are the kings of Asian futsal once again. The men in blue secure their 4️⃣th continental crown! #ACFutsal2022 pic.twitter.com/g5ma1JfzRM
🎥 HIGHLIGHTS | 🇮🇷 IR Iran 2️⃣-3️⃣ Japan 🇯🇵
— #ACFutsal2022 (@afcasiancup) October 9, 2022
Japan defy the odds to rise to the pinnacle of Asian futsal once again!
Match Report 📋 https://t.co/84Kr4J3n8Q#ACFutsal2022 | #IRNvJPN pic.twitter.com/JJh9pUpZ7p
外国人ユーザーと思われる外国語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、facebook1、youtube1)

おめでとう Nippon。
Congratulations Nippon
Japan's second goal... Amazing
(※ハイライト映像の)1:20 ワオ、なんてゴールだ🔥
1:20 WOW what a goal 🔥
I thought Iran would win, it turns out I was wrong, congratulations to the Japanese team
Desde Uruguay, mis respetos al juego del continente Asiático, con grandes jugadores de muy buena técnica y velocidad.
(ハイライト動画の)01:39 衝撃のオウンゴール。
01:39 Shocking own goal
┗ コミュニケーションの欠如。
Lack of communication
Lack of communication
なんて試合なんだ!中立国の私から見ても、あのような形で決勝点が決まるのは悲しいね。それでもイランチームはきっと立ち直って...そして、おそらく次の大会では優勝してくれるでしょう。おめでとう日本、そしてイランは不運でしたね! オーストラリア
Man, what a game! As a neutral it is sad that the deciding goal was scored in such a fashion but I am sure that the Iranian team will bounce back... and probably win the next edition of this competition. Congrats to Japan and hard luck to Iran!
The highlight video is too short. There were some amazing shots and saves that should be included. Please include more, this was the final match!
(※9分のロングハイライト映像 DAZN Japan)
🆚イラン代表 2-3 日本代表
1-1 (16')清水和也
1-2 (27')アルトゥール
1-3 (40')オウンゴール
粘り強いチームプレーが日本代表に勝利をもたらした。リスペクト。 タイ
Team play with patience brings victory to the Japanese national team. Respect
That's a big surprise! I thought will take the champ.
For the first time, I was not upset by Iran's loss. Congratulations to Japan
AFC futsal cup this year will be the most INTERESTING ever! Since group stage so many amazing game from each team, Iran has so much power but unlucky this years,
Congrats Japan from indo 🇮🇩
この試合は本大会最大の番狂わせだったと思う。 インドネシア
I think this was the biggest upset of the tournament, defeating everyone's favor.
8年ぶりにアジアのチームに負けた!今夜は不運でプレーが悪かったが、それは受け入れなければならない!4度目の優勝おめでとう日本! 🇮🇷🇯🇵 イラン
After 8 years, we lost to an Asian team! We were unlucky tonight and played badly, but it must be accepted! Congratulations to Japan for the fourth crown! 🇮🇷 🇯🇵
Japan goalkeeper was amazing, congratulations from Iran 🇮🇷🇯🇵🦍
┗ 驚異的なセービングを持つ最高のゴールキーパーだ。🙌🇯🇵❤️
The best Goalkeeper with incredible saves 🙌🇯🇵❤️
The best Goalkeeper with incredible saves 🙌🇯🇵❤️
┗ ずっと冷静で失点を許さなかった。
Keep calm and cleansheet
Keep calm and cleansheet
Hats off to the Japanese goal keepr ! If Japan didn't have him they would have lost by a large margin!
「孵化する前のひなを数えてはいけない」 (※ 「楽観的に物事を考えて、自分の思っていることをかなえられると思ってはいけない」の意味。日本のことわざで言えば、「取らぬ狸の皮算用」。) イランは最終戦の前にあまりに天狗になって傲慢だったため、すでに勝てると信じていた。大失敗だ。ニッポンのサムライたち、おめでとう。 ↑33
Don't count your chicken before they hatch. Iran was too cocky & arrogant prior to the final match and believed that they already nailed it. Epic fail. Congrats to Nippon samurais.
┗ 君のコメントは、個人的な感情に基づいている。どうしてイランが傲慢だという結論になるのかな?! それまでにチームが勝ち続け、高いレベルのプレーをしたとしても、そのチームが傲慢であるということにはならない! ↑11
Your comment is based on emotional and personal feelings! How do you come to the conclusion that iran was arrogant! If a team wins and plays high level, of doesn't mean the team is arrogant!
Your comment is based on emotional and personal feelings! How do you come to the conclusion that iran was arrogant! If a team wins and plays high level, of doesn't mean the team is arrogant!
┗ アジアの王イランは、アジアカップで12回のタイトルを持ち、世界大会でも(最高成績は)3位だよ。
Iran is king of Asia Iran have 12 title s at ASIAN CUP and 3rd place of world
Iran is king of Asia Iran have 12 title s at ASIAN CUP and 3rd place of world
Japan silences arrogant Iranian supporters
Greetings from Baku, the defeat of the beloved, native Iranian futsal team was very regrettable. We really wanted the Iranian team to lift the cup. The team, which played a great game throughout the tournament, did not look like itself. They lost themselves in the most important moments, made simple mistakes and missed the
本当におめでとう、日本! アメリカ
Big congratulations to Japan!
Nippon Nippon 🏆 タイ(日本サッカーの大ファン)
とても接戦だった! インドネシア
so close!
Congratulation japan from somalia
Congratulations Japan asian futsal cup from Lebanon
日本に大きなリスペクトを。彼らは本当に予測不可能だ! ベトナム
Much respected to Japan, they are really unpredictable!
Omedetou Gozaimasu!! 見ていて美しいフットサルですね。マレーシアのファンより。
Omedetou Gozaimasu!! Congrats Japan. Keep it up. From Malaysia fans. It's a beautiful futsal game to watch.
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