■映像 (13分 2022/10/08公開)
この動画を見た外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)

Really respect the employees dedication of work and keeping the safety of the passengers always! Great video as always!
More like an airline than a traditional train. A very good airline!
As someone who also works also in train maintenance I am somewhat jealous at how organised, clean, and structured it appears. Japanese work ethics is something else.
Great informative quality content (as always). It has deepened my utmost respect for all those involved in making the shinkansen trains safe & reliable.
The workers cooperated fully, and I love how they turn to the camera to answer the questions.
ボルトを規定トルクで締め付ける作業はスリル満点だね。私がポルシェに勤めていたときは、ボルトをすべて完璧な仕様に戻しておかないと車から離れることは許されなかった。 ユタ州の通勤電車もこのように頻繁に清掃してもらいたいものだ。新幹線の整備士さんたちや清掃員さんたちは、まさに「Kamisama」の仕事をしているんだね。
Torquing bolts to spec is such a thrill. Worked for Porsche and I wouldn't let the car go with out making sure all bolts I put back in were to perfect spec. I also wish out commuter rails in Utah had such a frequent thorough cleaning. Those shinkansen maintainers and cleaners are doing Kamisama's work.
I'm in awe of the commitment to excellence and the work culture shown here. I've travelled around the world in fast trains and nothing compares to Japan!
While I wouldn’t call myself a train otaku, I love these train videos. So cool to see behind the scenes of this super efficient system and see how they keep the trains running safe and on time!
Man I would love to come to Japan and just ride The Shinkansen all over Japan with no destination in mind The Shinkansen is the destination for me. I've always been a huge fan of trains and The Shinkansen is in my opinion the king of all trains.
This is awesome. Im a train maintainer in Australia. Japanese trains are next level compared to the archaic rollingstock we have here. Great video again Paolo!!
I’ve experienced riding a Shinkansen train, and that was one of the best experiences I’ve had. The whole train ride was smooth. It didn’t take us too long to get to our destination. This is very informative video. Made in Japan videos never seem to lack in quality overall.
I live in Chile and Shinkansen are definitely in my bucket list. I love watching train videos and this type of videos are my favourite! The side people don’t use to see. I never would have imagine these trains were washed by hand!!!
this channel is getting better and better. Thanks for showing us all this behind the scene stuff Paolo 😇
I am a Train Driver in Germany, and seeing the amount of Effort JR throws in at every single Detail be it Maintenance, Punctuality or even the PR departement makes me quite Jealous you just cant compare it to the rest of the World when it comes to Japanese Trains
When taking the train is part of your daily life, and the experience always seems the same each time, it's so easy to overlook how much work really goes into maintaining those huge trains.
I was lucky enough to take a bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto, and I was truly amazed by the whole experience.🇯🇵
i wonder how long it took before their management approved this video before it get uploaded. would love to see a longer content of this
On one hand I would love something like Japan's train system here in America, but it's honestly hard to imagine, with our work culture, being able to maintain the system close to what they have there.
When I was in the US Air Force a rode the Bullet Train from Tokyo to Osaka to attend Expo 70. It was a very fast ride😊
I would love to see Airplane Mechanics in Japan :D○
Major props to the hard-working people on this team! I can’t imagine the hard they have to work everyday to help out the Japanese transportation system run as smoothly as possible.
50+ years without any major incident…that shows their service standards and quality 🎉
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