ダルビッシュ7回1失点でポストシーズン5年ぶり勝利「あまり体は動いてなかった」パドレス先勝 - MLB : 日刊スポーツ
【 #パドレス 】#ダルビッシュ有 大舞台でも安定のピッチング!!ワイルドカードシリーズ第1戦のマウンドで7回1失点の好投を見せ、打線も噛み合いポストシーズン1勝目をマークしました👏#日本人選手情報#ポストシーズン2022https://t.co/Di0sDgs8Pw pic.twitter.com/MUQVVlhUmO
— MLB Japan (@MLBJapan) October 8, 2022
この試合のダルビッシュについて、現地のパドレスファン、メッツファンなど外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、reddit1、2、3、facebook1)

(※試合前)スタジアムにいてこれを読んでいるみんなへ、観客を盛り上げてパドレスの連中をもてなそう。ダルビッシュは42,000人のニューヨーカーの声援を聴けば動揺するだろう。 メッツファン
Anyone at the game reading this, get the crowd on their feet and start chirping these guys. Darvish will crack once he hears 42000 New Yorkers on him
Yu Darvish freezes Pete Alonso 🥶pic.twitter.com/H13TFMasVO
— Dillard Barnhart (@BarnHasSpoken2) October 8, 2022
今のところ、ダルビッシュは本調子ではない。残塁で終わらすことだけは避けよう。 メッツファン
Darvish is not lights out right now. We just need to stop leaving people on base.
Oh good, Darvish is in a groove now…
Yu Darvish, 71mph Curveball and 94mph Fastball, Overlay. pic.twitter.com/cb0pn250v6
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) October 8, 2022
Always fun
Arm release almost the same
I've now watched this 1000x ...Darvish is a Martian... he is not of this place.
He’s filthy
Man, so hard to be a hitter nowadays!
Yu Darvish, Expelliarmus Fastball. 🪄 pic.twitter.com/UbONJzmaOj
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) October 8, 2022
September's National League Pitcher of the Month just keeps right on disarming batters!
Darvish doing what he always does -
(シカゴ・カブス投手マーカス・ストローマン Wiki)
Darvish is an absolute artist on the mound. Always tinkering with pitch shapes and grips. Throws a variety of pitches with intention. Huge fan of his mechanics. Has 98 in the tank but saves it for the biggest moments. Movement in and out of the zone!
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) October 8, 2022
I live for Stroman pitcher analysis in the playoffs
Yu Darvish, Tantalizing 67mph Curveball. 🌈 pic.twitter.com/F7aeGoxVYN
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) October 8, 2022
After throwing mid 90’s. Nasty
The thumb placement 👀👀👀 what a magician
the slow curve is such an aesthetically pleasing pitch... 🤩
I promise I know 0 people who could hit this pitch
Another great outing for Darvish. Great run support, hope they can keep it going for the next game.
He was good. He was also lucky and crafty, which was great to see. Hopefully Snell is also on.
ダルビッシュを褒め称えるしか無い。彼は今夜も素晴らしかった。 ドジャースファン
Got to give Darvish credit. He’s been fantastic tonight
So much fun watching him deal
Hmm, guess Darvish is pretty good in the playoffs....unless you're cheating against him that is.
I’m really glad to see Darvish doing well in the playoffs, uh, just not today specifically
Five stars game for Darvish !
The weight of a whole city on his shoulders.
I love him. Jersey in cart
メッツファンは、ダルビッシュが好投することは予想していただろう。マックスにも踏ん張れることを期待したが、彼はそれをしなかった。 メッツファン
You knew Darvish was gonna throw a gem against us. You had to hope that Max would keep us in it. He didn't.
Nice start!!! Darvish surgical as always.
Fantastic job Yu! keep up the amazing work. I want to see you pitch against the Dodgers.
- ダルビッシュ有、シティ・フィールドの観客について
"The stadium was so loud that it felt like basically someone was screaming into my ears."
— SNY (@SNYtv) October 8, 2022
- Yu Darvish on the Citi Field crowd pic.twitter.com/s8zEDlb9tb
Fans did their job. Players didn’t do their’s.
Yeah and he silenced it after the first inning
For 1 inning 🤣
シャーザーの出来も悪かったが、最悪なのはメッツの打撃陣が何も出来なかったということ、ダルビッシュはシーズン通して、メッツ相手にはいつも圧倒的なピッチングをしている。 メッツファン
That was hardly the bad part.. the worst part is that the hitting did nothing.. Darvish literally owns the Mets all season when he pitched against the mets.
Darvish didn't have his best stuff according to Nola but he did one hell of a job.
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