【MLB】大谷翔平、初のノーヒッターならず 日本人3人目の快挙はお預けも…本拠地は拍手喝采(Full-Count) - Yahoo!ニュース
■エンゼルス 4ー2 アスレチックス(日本時間30日・アナハイム)
こんな夜だからこそ、大谷翔平に会えた幸運を心から感謝しなければならない。It's nights like these where we have to truly appreciate how lucky we are to witness Shohei Ohtani. pic.twitter.com/mbpiZ1GffP
— MLB (@MLB) September 30, 2022
(引用翻訳元 twitter1、reddit1、facebook1、youtube1)
An oddly satisfying look at all of Shohei Ohtani’s strikeouts pic.twitter.com/wCiCPrYO6F
— Talkin’ Baseball (@TalkinBaseball_) September 30, 2022
Ohtani arsenal of pitches is unmatched
His spread is insane
Some of those aren't even in the zone
大谷のノーヒットノーランが潰えた。 8回2死、コナー・カペルが初安打を記録。鋭く打ったゴロがショートを抜けた。 Ohtani's no-hitter bid is over. Conner Capel records the first hit of the night with 2 outs in the 8th inning. A sharply hit grounder to short.
Ohtani's tank was already empty. Moreover, he cannot throw a fastball. That would make a no-hitter impossible. But Oakland is like a minor league team, so it was very possible. It was a pity.
Should’ve given an error to Soto
これで大谷のノーヒットノーランを阻んだコナー・カペルは、もう日本でプレーすることはできないだろう。 アスレチックスファン
connor capel never gonna play in nippon now
これでアスレチックスが大谷のノーヒットノーランを8イニング目に阻むのは2度目になった アスレチックスファン
This the second no hitter that the A's have broken in the 8th against Ohtani.
(※補足、 微妙に違いますが7回1死まで完全試合だったのがありました。)
(参考 当ブログ2018年4月の過去記事)大谷翔平、7回1死までパーフェクトあわや完全試合の圧巻投球(MLBファンの反応+動画)
1. この守備位置はシフトではない。チームが昔からやっている通常のシェーディング(※微妙な守備位置のずらし)である。
2. 大谷はその試合は基本的に速球を投げていなかったので、アスレチックス側はボールを引っ張った。カペルは、その試合の打席で2回目のゴロを打ったが、2塁ベースに近くない方向に転がってヒットになった。
1. That's not a shift. That's just normal shading that teams have done forever.
— Jeff Fletcher (@JeffFletcherOCR) September 30, 2022
2. Ohtani was throwing basically no fastballs, so the A's were pulling the ball. The Capel hit was only the 2nd ground ball all night that wasn't to the pull side of 2B.
This is an accurate and clear explanation. A normal position would have been out.
🗣️ 8回にノーヒッターを阻まれた直後の大谷翔平にMVPチャント👏。
🗣️ MVP chants for Shohei Ohtani after his no-hitter was broken up in the eighth inning 👏
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) September 30, 2022
(via @BallySportWest) pic.twitter.com/wUAzy7iz2d
That’s the MVP nobody in baseball can do what he do man
Stop it with the MVP chants. He doesn’t have a chance
delusional fans… we all know who the MVP is
Team MVP sure definitely not league MVP.
Judge better
(※追記、上の映像は当日の試合のものではありません))shohei ohtani simplifying the mvp debate tonight pic.twitter.com/yJyVT9TVf3
— Codify (@CodifyBaseball) September 30, 2022
didn’t know shohei could throw knuckle balls until now
(※補足 knuckleには「げんこつ、グーパンチ」の意味もあり、それらをかけたと思われます。)
Shohei speaks with Erica postgame after his stellar outing@Angels | #GoHalos | @EricaLWeston pic.twitter.com/7PI66NbhfI
— Bally Sports West (@BallySportWest) September 30, 2022
Ippei went out of the way so fast lmao
There’s nobody else like him! Congrats Shohei on an exceptional game!💥
Amazing! Ohtani was exceptional as always!!! 👏
Ohtani doesn’t want to go anywhere. It’s the media that keeps trying to get him traded.
Shohei really making it hard for A Judge to win MVP unanimously.
Amazing to think, he won the MVP last year...and got better. 👏
This game was as exciting as it gets. Ohtani was exceptional. Stassi too.
15 wins with the Angels is probably an equivalent of 25 with the Yankees
It was such a fun game to be at in person! Our fans love Ohtani❤️👏😇
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