— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) December 13, 2022
WBAスーパー&WBC&IBF統一世界バンタム級王者・井上尚弥がWBO同級王者ポール・バトラーを破った。WBA王座8度目、IBF王座6度目、WBC王座初防衛に成功するとともにWBO王座を獲得した。 pic.twitter.com/E4BeP7uW0e
外国人ユーザーと思われる外国語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、2、youtube1、boxingscene1、ringtv1)
試合開始後1分30秒後のポール・バトラー イギリス
Paul Butler 1 minute 30 seconds into the fight #InoueButler pic.twitter.com/kCrAOLxXX6
— Gavin Stevens (@StevensG020792) December 13, 2022
That lead hook of Inoue is going to send Butler into the promised land, early.
ポール・バトラーがこの試合で十分な報酬を得られますように。 イギリス
I hope Paul Butler is getting paid well for this
I know Tuesday morning isn’t exactly prime time viewing but still strange a UK broadcaster hasn’t picked up Inoue Butler considering it’s for undisputed
For such a little frame, his punching is just ferocious. #InoueButler
(※3ラウンド) この井上という男は、まさに 「モンスター」の名にふさわしい。
My lawd, this dude Inoue deserves his name for sure "The MONSTER" #InoueButler pic.twitter.com/R5lK3bHaDv
— TstreeT Controversy (@Terel_Vann) December 13, 2022
Monster throws FASTBALLS
Looks like great defense.
(※6ラウンド) 井上が4団体統一戦をスパーリングに見立ている。
Inoue in there making undisputed look like a sparring session.
— BOXING n BBQ (@BOXINGnBBQ) December 13, 2022
Toying with Butler.
🎥 credit ESPN +#boxingnbbq#boxing pic.twitter.com/TnEwwk5MPP
Inoue playing with his food
butler is fight like a scared amateur, should be stopped.
Inoue just ended Butler, what a performance!! #
井上尚弥 Naoya Inoue KOs Paul Butler in ROUND 11‼️The best fighter in the world 🥊 pic.twitter.com/mAQ3oFeRH2
— No Nonsense Boxing (@NNBoxing) December 13, 2022
右フックをボディに、左フックを顔に。その後、バトラーに逃げ道はなかった。井上のハンドスピード恐るべし。 イギリス
Right hook to the body, into a left hook up top. No way out for butler after that. Hand speed, frightening
The finish from Inoue Vs Butler, that body shot looked a beauty 🔥 #InoueButler pic.twitter.com/UFAdx1Wk8h
— Seconds Out Fight Store (@secondsout_) December 13, 2022
People saying Butler should have had a go, this is what Inoue done when he tried to full cover up.
I don't see anyone even competing with him for the next 3 years let alone beating him.
The Monster has mused about rising in weight again though, so it would be interesting to see if bigger guys can keep his dynamism in check.
I seen butler movement and he has a solid high guard so I figured it would take a while for inoue to take him down.
My prediction was spot on, Butler would cover up and run all night just to get the rounds in, I missed by 1 round
Terrible performance by Paul Butler. Had a chance of a lifetime and fought like he was Rigondeaux. He was just happy to be there. Sauna Champion.
Shame Casimero fumbled his belt. Would've been more interesting however short the fight.
butler was being safe the whole fight and Inoue still caught him. Amazing truely a specimen
have no idea what butler came to do, except dance around i'm glad inoue dispatched him. looked like inoue was sparring.
Naoya Inoue’s head movement is about the best you’ll see. You’re taught not to exaggerate your moves; to keep slips tight and not to roll too low, and he exemplifies those motions. He’s always *just* out of range. #InoueButler
those ring girls are so beautiful.
The Japanese ring girl outfits are gorgeous. #InoueButler #Boxing pic.twitter.com/zB850Q8VZG
— The Sportsnista (@TheSportsnista) December 13, 2022
Easiest undisputed win of all time
One-sided drubbing for The Monster, who landed 36% of his power punches & 59 body shots among his 151 landed punches. Butler offered minimal offense, landing single digits in every round & 38 punches all fight. #InoueButler pic.twitter.com/xInYBeskGb
— CompuBox (@CompuBox) December 13, 2022
4 rounds where Butler landed 0-1 punches 😶
Butler lands less than four punches a round.
I would target Luis Nery first as a first step in the 122 division.
this guy is the perfect fighter, he already surpassed mike tyson
Naoya is just on another level at this moment. Beautiful to watch a boxer in his absolute prime. Congrats!
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