■映像 (17分 2022/10/22公開)
この動画を見た外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)

What a great addition to the day in a life series! I really admire Eri for working so hard, building her own company, and mentoring other women.
It's nice to see everyone get along so well together. I like that kind of bonding co-workers have with each other in Japan.
I love watching this bunch work as a team. Very refreshing. One of my top day on the life videos for sure 🙂
This is an awesome segment. Starting from the 11:40 mark, this is such an important lesson for everyone to understand.
For me, what struck the biggest chord was the fact that at first, Eri assumed that people didn't want to deal with her because she's a woman, but after self-reflecting, she realized that wasn't the case and that she had room for improvement. I have tremendous respect for anyone who can be so honest with themselves because it isn't easy to do!
More people need to see this! Erin is amazing 😍🤩
happy to see people like her ,doing wonders and make progress with guts and sweat
アメリカで大工をしている私の意見としては、彼女は、まさにすべての建設業者が目指すべき経営者像のような気がする。 彼女はとても勤勉で、会社とクルーを大切にしているし、障害や障壁を克服することを恐れない。しかも男性中心の業界で、女性というハンディキャップを負いながらだからね。今の時代 彼女は珍しいタイプだけど、まさに建設業界が必要としている人材だよ。
As a carpenter in the United States, she seems like exactly the type of business owner that every contractor should strive to be. She’s obviously hardworking, cares about her company and her crew, isn’t afraid to overcome obstacles and barriers, and all while having the disadvantage of being a woman in an incredibly male dominated industry, that often seems to go out of its way to make it even more difficult for women to succeed. She’s a rare breed these days, but exactly the type of person the construction industry needs.
16:05 had me laugh out loud, they got my humor !!
What a lovely woman. I would work for her. I hope she continues to succeed.
She seems to be a very pleasant boss and her team has good synergy. I would be honored to work on a team such as hers.
so glad that you were able to showcase her amazing story to the world! We all need to see people like this to remind ourselves we can accomplish our dreams as well, just like Eri!
I hope the best for Eri and her business! This whole video is just super inspirational, and looking at how she takes care of her employees and her work really shows. Thank you for bringing us into her daily life Paolo.
私が日本に滞在していて印象的だったのは、誰もが仕事の種類に関係なく本当にベストを尽くそうと思っていること。顧客への信じられないほどの気配りや仕事に対するプライドなど、世界中のどこを見ても日本と比類するところはない。このシリーズを見ると、毎回そのことを思い出す。 スウェーデン
The one thing that struck me while in Japan was how literally everyone seemed to truly want to do their best at work, regardless of what it was. Like an incredible sense of care for the customers and pride in their work that I haven’t seen anywhere else in the world. This series reminds me of it every time.
Eri being able to overcome her dream crushing depression to find such a fantastic career, that she seems to enjoy, is really amazing and an inspiration. Gotta do my best just like Eri.❤
Why couldn't she become a nutrionist because of Atopi??? I don't understand that at all.
┗ 栄養士は、食品を分析するために試食(摂取)することがよくあるからだよ。
Nutritionists are often required to sample (consume) foods in order to analyze them. .
Nutritionists are often required to sample (consume) foods in order to analyze them. .
私は以前、ほとんど女性で占められた建設グループにいたけど、とても居心地が良かった。だから日本でも同じような所があるのは嬉しい。これはまだまだレアと思うので、こういうチームがもっと増えてもらいたい! チリ
I used to be in a mostly female construction group and it was so comforting, I’m happy to see there’s something like that there. It’s so rare and there should be more teams like that!
That team are like the Charlie's Angels of Japanese carpentry! Great to see them breaking through the construction barriers!
素晴らしい話だった。クルー全員がとても素敵な笑顔をしているね。これをシェアしてくれてありがとう、いつか日本に行ってみたいな!彼女の会社が末永く成功しますように! アメリカ
This was awesome, the entire crew are so nice, with big smiles! Thank you for posting this, I hope to visit Japan someday! I hope her company is successful for a long time!
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