スティーブン・フルトンvs井上尚弥はすでに合意に達しており、フルトンのWBC&WBOスーパーバンタム級タイトルマッチは5月か6月、日本での開催を目標とされていると報じられている。井上は、世界4階級制覇に挑戦する。(情報元 @BoxingScene]‼️ Stephen Fulton vs Naoya Inoue reportedly already has a deal agreed and the fight for Fulton's WBC & WBO super-bantamweight titles is being targeted for May/June in Japan. Inoue will challenge to become a four-weight world champion. [According to @BoxingScene)pic.twitter.com/NQoAkp18gl
— Michael Benson (@MichaelBensonn) January 18, 2023
スティーブン・フルトン vs 井上尚弥 スーパーバンタム級タイトルマッチが晩春に日本で開催
BoxingScene.com は、スティーブン フルトンと井上尚弥の世界タイトルマッチの契約が成立した情報を入手した。フルトンはWBC/WBOスーパーバンタム級統一王座の防衛を目指しし、井上はバンタム級王座を返上し、4階級制覇を目指すことになる。
正確な日付と場所は後日決定される予定であり、日本開催の今春後半 (5月または6月) を目標としている。この輝かしい対戦は、井上にとって母国での4階級制覇をかけた試合となる一方、フルトンはプロ8年目のキャリアで初めてアメリカ国外での試合となる。
このニュースについて外国人ユーザーと思われる外国語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、BoxingScene1)

Oh, this is some damn good news!
Thought Fulton was fighting Figueroa in a rematch so a little confused but incredible fight if this happens. Inoue vs Fulton is one of the top 5 fights in boxing IMO.
Figueroa will be fighting Magsayo
damn, inoue going straight to fulton?....he aint playing around, that level of confidence is rare!
Inoue moving up in weight right after going undisputed and taking on Fulton w/o a tune up is insane ngl
Inoue doesn't have to cut weight that much. Just hope the power will carry there
Big up Fulton for accepting to go to Japan & fight the monster. If he wins he’s gotta be mentioned amongst the top 3 P4P
Fulton bout to die
非常に興味をそそる対戦だね。純然たるスラッガー vs 純然たるボクサー。私の予想では番狂わせでスティーブン・フルトンの勝ちを選ぶ。
What a very interesting and intriguing matchup; A pure slugger vs a pure boxer. I am going with the upset here and picking Stephen Fulton to win.
Inoue is NOT a pure slugger. He's a phenominal boxer who has power in both hands..
Fulton will lose does not punch hard enough
Makes sense to make it in Japan. Fulton is unknown in the states, while Inoue is a big attraction in Japan. This is a great fight for us boxing fans
Fultong is going to Japan to hand this guy his titles, I don't understand why the champion is traveling.
The money is in Japan.
I had picked Fulton initially, but since the fight is in Japan, he's definitely losing
Japan has a pretty good history of fair scoring.
Let's see if it happens i thought it would not happy to be proved wrong. But like the other fights i will believe it when it is official.
Fulton by UD. Different caliber of athlete that Inoue has faced.
If this happens I'll be thoroughly impressed, I won't hold my breathe though, Fulton will most likely be advised into a Figueroa rematch.
The toughest fight for either guy. Inoue did have a tough fight in the first one with Donaire, but stylistically this would be a tougher fight. The clear edge to Inoue for sure though.
Glad they could work towards making the fight.....lots of anti PBC guys said otherwise and are proven wrong once again.
Please no more 5am fight times cmon
2023 the year Boxing wakes up
One of the best fights to make in all the sport. Two undefeated fighters in their primes chasing greatness. Can't say enough good things about these two & this fight. Promotional bullshit be damned. PBC, Top Rank, who cares! This is the best fighting the best! Can't fucking wait!
should be a good year in boxing.
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