海外メディアは三笘薫のスーパーゴールに称賛の嵐…「シーズン最高ゴール賞の候補」「最も危険なアタッカー」…アーセナル移籍のトロサールとの比較論も(RONSPO) - Yahoo!ニュース
Stunning from Kaoru! ☄️ @BrightonTools 📺 pic.twitter.com/KwCWQwfYyN
— Brighton & Hove Albion (@OfficialBHAFC) January 21, 2023
ブライトンのフォワード三笘薫は、レスター戦で傑出したフィニッシュを見せ、プレミアリーグで最も好調な選手の一人であることを再び証明した。🔔 | Kaoru Mitoma scores an absolute beauty for Brighton, he's a serious talent https://t.co/Vn14EvMOnz
— SPORTbible News (@SportBibleNews) January 21, 2023
三笘のスペシャルゴール 🇯🇵😍
まばたきしていると見逃してしまうよ ⚡️Special goal from Mitoma 🇯🇵😍
— LiveScore (@livescore) January 21, 2023
Blink and you'll miss him ⚡️ pic.twitter.com/PSbFlTiFWf

外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、Facebook1)
This view of THAT goal... 🤤💫 pic.twitter.com/XBCZil59Zx
— Brighton & Hove Albion (@OfficialBHAFC) January 23, 2023
I’ll never get tired watching this goal
Just so awesome!
Has to be a contender for PL goal of the season.
Quality finish from a quality player
Mitoma is always sure with what he does
Mitoma is the best of all time❤
This guy is something else.
Brighton have got a SERIOUS player in Kaoru Mitoma.
— SPORTbible (@sportbible) January 21, 2023
Unbelievable talent 🔥 pic.twitter.com/Hn8RFwVpg7
A lot of japanese talent these days 👏
J League invasion well underway
Just waiting for a bid from Chelsea
Brighton’s scouting department is elite
今日もまた一つ、三笘の見事なゴールが生まれた。ハーランドが今季の契約の代表例ではあるが、260万ポンドの三笘は、金額からすれば最もコスパの高い契約だと思う。 マイケル・オーウェン(元イングランド代表)
Another stunning goal from Mitoma today. Haaland has to be the signing of the season but I’d say Mitoma, at 2.6m, has to be the best value for money signing.
— Michael Owen (@themichaelowen) January 21, 2023
Yeah, Mitoma has been dynamite for us this season. He's been a fantastic signing.
100% agree been saying for months that he is some player
Based Michael Owen
🇯🇵🌟 三笘薫(25歳)にブライトンがかけた費用はわずか250万ポンド。つまりそういうこと、このツイートで言いたいのはそれ。
🇯🇵🌟 Kaoru Mitoma (25) cost Brighton just £2.5m. That's it. That's the tweet. pic.twitter.com/XETBetCGSJ
— EuroFoot (@eurofootcom) January 21, 2023
Nothing else😁
What a player they’ve got.
Brighton’s scouting team deserves a raise. Caicedo, Mitoma, Ferguson and a few more to come.
Fuckin hell I thought he was like 19 or something
He’s an unreal player. Hopefully he makes it to the very top. Has the potential
Watching blue lock makes me feel the next super star is coming from Japan
三笘からの驚くような衝撃的な出来事が繰り返しリピート中よ。😍 英スポーツ局司会者
On repeat 😍 stunner from Mitoma #bhafc pic.twitter.com/jutCtdajz6
— Jules Breach (@julesbreach) January 22, 2023
That was like watching vintage
Said a while ago this player looked the real deal; still can’t believe he didn’t start for Japan in WC!
Man this Mitoma guy is a serious baller, if we didn’t have all these left wingers I’d want us to be all over him
— Trey (@UTDTrey) January 21, 2023
He's really good very nice to watch
Wrote a thesis on the art of dribbling I heard.
Brighton can't keep this guy, big clubs will definitely come for him.
He wants to continue his footballing career playing the best and not drop down to united level
Bruh, he’s literally graduated in dribble 💀
Blue Lock Project GOATED
It’s been so long since I’ve seen a Brighton player cut in and shoot with accuracy.
(昨期プレミアリーグ得点王の)ソン・フンミンはもはやプレミアナンバーワンのアジア人ではない。ナンバーワンは三笘 ⭐️
Son isn’t anymore the best Asian in the Premier League. Mitoma ⭐️
三笘薫 🇯🇵 なんて素晴らしい選手なのだろう。世界でも絶対的な点取り屋になれるポテンシャルを秘めている。全てを兼ね備えており、現代サッカー界では稀有なサッカーIQの持ち主でもある。このような素晴らしい選手を発掘したブライトンに拍手!
Kaoru Mitoma 🇯🇵 what a player! Potential to be an absolute world beater. Absolutely has it all. Football IQ rare to find in the modern game.Kudos to Brighton for finding these wonderful players!
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