◆WBC2023 ▽準決勝 日本―メキシコ(20日、米フロリダ州マイアミ・ローンデポパーク)
それでも160キロ超えの速球を連発し、初めて登板した米国には衝撃を与えた。WBC公式ツイッターは初回先頭のアロザレーナから奪った空振り三振の動画を添えながら「102 MPH from Roki Sasaki!」と記して、驚きの顔文字も添えた。多くの米記者も次々に朗希の速球をツイッターなどSNSで拡散した。

— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) March 20, 2023
Roki Sasaki is not messing around tonight 😳🔥 pic.twitter.com/yIP4FHjCbh
Forget that it’s 102…the movement 👀
Roki Sasaki casually having 95%+ of his FBs be 100 MPH or faster is very good for baseball.
How does anyone ever hit a baseball
He's the real deal
Good luck touching these Roki Sasaki fastballs
Scouts are salivating
The US is so happy they don’t have to see this kid!
102 MPH from Roki Sasaki! 😱 #WorldBaseballClassic pic.twitter.com/88UdKCkYGV
— World Baseball Classic (@WBCBaseball) March 20, 2023
The way he hides the ball until he releases it is crazy! Almost impossible to time that bullet!
Probably adds a couple perceived mph to the batter when they can’t see the ball until it’s already released.
Ever since I found out who Roki Sasaki was 45 minutes ago, I've known it's destined for him to become a Yankee.
Roki Sasaki's Mechanics pic.twitter.com/N9iAM89Ama
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) March 21, 2023
Doesn't look like the typical japanese wind up and release.
Oh thats a beauty right there
Japanese Aroldis Chapman.
Sooooooo pretty! More Ballet in baseball please!!!
Does brining the knee up in a more pronounced way generate more power through his hips?
ルイス・ウリアスは、佐々木朗希とジェイコブ・デグロムの両方からホームランを記録した地球上で唯一の人物である。 一般人ファンによる有名アカウント
Luis Urias is the only person on this planet with home runs off Roki Sasaki and Jacob deGrom. pic.twitter.com/LeXsNZ9YVQ
— Baseball King (@BasebaIlKing) March 21, 2023
ルイス・ウリアス(のみ) 一般人ファンによる有名アカウント
List of people on the planet with HRs off Roki Sasaki and Jacob deGrom:
— Barstool Baseball (@StoolBaseball) March 21, 2023
Luis Urías pic.twitter.com/qO2l70nRt8
This is a crazy stat
Proud brewer fan moment
That’s pretty good
The only active hall of famer
79 seconds of Roki Sasaki's 100mph Fastballs (or higher). ⛽️ pic.twitter.com/VGHphmJTIt
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) March 21, 2023
26 pitches at 100+ MPH tonight!!! 🔥⛽️🔥
The one at :52 secs 😍
If in MLB, the average mph of his Fastballs would be top 5 of MLB pitchers.
100mph with movement, and he’s 21
Roki Sasaki’s stuff is just unbelievable.
this Roki Sasaki kid has some really fast thows in his arms up to 102 mph at only 21 years old give him another year or 2-3 and he might just be the best pitcher at that time
Roki Sasaki is one of the next big things in the beautiful sport of baseball.
決勝のアメリカ vs 日本は、史上最高の野球ゲームになる可能性がある。
Things we learned from Mexico vs Japan:
Randy Arozarena is him.
Japan is unstoppable.
Team Mexico played their hearts out.
Roki Sasaki looks like a monster.
USA vs Japan has a chance to be the greatest baseball game of all time.
Amazon.co.jp: 佐々木朗希 x 山本由伸 WBC決戦の地へ シーズン1を観る | Prime Video
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