(※動画掲載元から引用翻訳) ピアニストの辻井伸行さんがカーネギーホールで自作曲「 Elegy for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami of March 11, 2011(※「それでも、生きてゆく」の初期の楽曲名)」を演奏し涙を流した。
(※2016年当時の参考情報) BS朝日開局15周年記念番組 奇跡のピアニスト 辻井伸行 震災から5年・・・それでも、生きてゆく
(※音楽系海外サイトNobuyuki Tsujii Live at Carnegie Hall - EUROARTS 2012年当時の記事から一部引用翻訳)演奏を聴いた外国人ユーザーと思われるコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)
(アンコール用)レパートリー 辻井伸行作曲 Elegy for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami of March 11, 2011
I had goosebumps while listening you can tell the emotions he has put into this
He cried while he was on stage, he cried while he was practicing, and he cried while he was writing. What a legend.
the emotion he puts into playing is beautiful. making me tear up.. 😭😭
Everything about this is absolutely breathtaking. I'm only sorry that I hadn't found it sooner.
Played his piano very soulfully, a masterpiece that gives you goose bumps. Great performance
I just witnessed one of the most beautiful moments of my life. God may of not blessed this man with sight but he sees more than most. I’m in just awe and tear filled eyes.
Suddenly time didn’t exist ….only The pianist, His Pain, his Joy, his Amazing talent & my gratitude !!! Thank You Tsuji !!! You truly are AMAZING!!! 🌅🙏🏽💜🎵🎶🎼 🎹 🙂
May they all rest in peace. Experiences like hearing this for the first time in my life is truly extraordinary. What passion.
最初の数秒を聴いただけで寒気がした。演奏者を見なくても、聴く人を聴き入ってしまうのがわかる。 ワォ!先程説明文を見ました。今、私は震えています。
I got chills in the first few seconds. You don't need to look at the performer to see how much they're putting into it. Wow! I just read the description. Now I'm shaking.
What comes from the heart, goes straight into the heart of another. This gave me shivres from the beginning, till the end.
I’m usually not into listening to just a piano but oh my, the way he plays and the beauty of the song. It just flows so beautifully
The piano speaks the sound of his silent emotion
Each and every single note is just phenomenal and how deep notes can hit you brilliant
No matter how well you play, no matter how well you sing, if it doesn't resonate with people's hearts, it's not called music. This is what music is
We just can't fully understand why it brings us to a different level in this world. We just can't miss the greatness in musician like him. A true genius!
知らない人向けに説明しておくと、この人は盲目ですよ。 (※補足 動画の説明文には辻井さんの名前だけで障害については書かれていません。)
this guy is blind for anyone who doesn’t already know
I had goosebumps while listening you can tell the emotions he has put into this
He cried while he was on stage, he cried while he was practicing, and he cried while he was writing. What a legend.
the emotion he puts into playing is beautiful. making me tear up.. 😭😭
Everything about this is absolutely breathtaking. I'm only sorry that I hadn't found it sooner.
Played his piano very soulfully, a masterpiece that gives you goose bumps. Great performance
I just witnessed one of the most beautiful moments of my life. God may of not blessed this man with sight but he sees more than most. I’m in just awe and tear filled eyes.
Suddenly time didn’t exist ….only The pianist, His Pain, his Joy, his Amazing talent & my gratitude !!! Thank You Tsuji !!! You truly are AMAZING!!! 🌅🙏🏽💜🎵🎶🎼 🎹 🙂
May they all rest in peace. Experiences like hearing this for the first time in my life is truly extraordinary. What passion.
最初の数秒を聴いただけで寒気がした。演奏者を見なくても、聴く人を聴き入ってしまうのがわかる。 ワォ!先程説明文を見ました。今、私は震えています。
I got chills in the first few seconds. You don't need to look at the performer to see how much they're putting into it. Wow! I just read the description. Now I'm shaking.
What comes from the heart, goes straight into the heart of another. This gave me shivres from the beginning, till the end.
I’m usually not into listening to just a piano but oh my, the way he plays and the beauty of the song. It just flows so beautifully
The piano speaks the sound of his silent emotion
Each and every single note is just phenomenal and how deep notes can hit you brilliant
No matter how well you play, no matter how well you sing, if it doesn't resonate with people's hearts, it's not called music. This is what music is
We just can't fully understand why it brings us to a different level in this world. We just can't miss the greatness in musician like him. A true genius!
知らない人向けに説明しておくと、この人は盲目ですよ。 (※補足 動画の説明文には辻井さんの名前だけで障害については書かれていません。)
this guy is blind for anyone who doesn’t already know
┗ ぎょえええ、マジか😮😮なんて素晴らしいのか💪🏾
Whaaaaaaat fr fr 😮😮wow amazing 💪🏾
Whaaaaaaat fr fr 😮😮wow amazing 💪🏾
┗ 2分前にこの動画を見たばかりだけど、まさかそんなことだとは全く思わなかった。
whoa... i had no idea... i just found this video 2 minutes ago.
whoa... i had no idea... i just found this video 2 minutes ago.
┗ うわ、なるほど「blind(盲目)」についてのコメントが多いわけだ。
OH ....Thats why there are many comments about 'blind' ..
OH ....Thats why there are many comments about 'blind' ..
Why, when I heard this moving and lyrical piece for the very first time, did I feel it an old friend I had known for years?
Sometimes the heart feels what the eyes cannot see...
When the soul speaks, the world listens.
┗ そのとおり。魂に響きますね。
Indeed. It touches the soul.
Indeed. It touches the soul.
He doesn’t need to see the world, the world needs to see him
What a beautiful soul...Jesus put your arms around him and heal 💛 ❤️ 💖 his precious heart!
当記事の翻訳は以上です。私も初めて見た時は涙なしでは見られないほどに感動しました。本来なら震災の日に公開する予定でしたがWBC関連を優先していて遅れました。記事内容が「よかった 役に立った」と思われたらブログランキングの投票をしてもらえると励みになります(→このリンククリックで投票完了← 1日1票反映)
