大谷翔平が今季初勝利 6回111球投げ3安打1失点8K 第4打席で適時打/詳細 - MLBライブ速報 : 日刊スポーツ
【 #エンゼルス 】今日の #大谷翔平 は6回111球を投げて3安打8奪三振1失点の好投!さらに打者としては貴重なタイムリーヒットを放ちました!🤩
— MLB Japan (@MLBJapan) April 6, 2023
今季初勝利おめでとうございます!🤔#日本人選手情報#2023開幕https://t.co/J5TBXXT6ff pic.twitter.com/rEoa7ijxjX
■ロングハイライト映像この試合について外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、facebook1、Instagram1、youtube1)

Sho's "struggling" gives up 4 bb and still only gave up 1 run through 4.
Shohei Ohtani, Vicious 85mph Sweeper. 🧹
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) April 5, 2023
19 inches of horizontal break. 😲 pic.twitter.com/9LyV06V1Il
Mike Trout knows that one
Almost the same pitch he got trout with… un-hittable…
That's a wiffle ball
I hate the term sweeper at this point
Mans throwing frisbees out there
I could watch that all day… crazy…
Is there a record for horizontal break on a pitch? I’ve never seen a baseball do that before
I think I just watched this 30 times and i’m still bewildered
Shohei the Pickpocket. pic.twitter.com/LBR1IIvPLb
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) April 5, 2023
He’s the best.
That's a man with no fear.
anyone else gets ejected lol.
gotta work on the stealth
I love him more and more each day
Surprised he wasnt ejected with umps having such big egos
That was almost as fast - and deceptive - as his splitter.
The smoothest pickpocket of all time.
This man is an international treasure😭😭
Shohei looks out for opposing pitchers 🤝@Angels | #GoHalos pic.twitter.com/cD338e8M1X
— Bally Sports West (@BallySportWest) April 5, 2023
How can you not love this guy?
Shohei Ohtani will forever be the first player EVER to receive a pitch clock violation as both a hitter AND pitcher in the same game. 😂
— Ben Verlander (@BenVerlander) April 5, 2023
(※補足ニュース) 大谷は、ピッチクロック違反を初回から宣告された。先制点を許した後、一死二塁で4番ローリーに初球を投じる前にピッチクロック違反で1ボールが宣告された。
さらに打者としても、6回にピッチクロック違反(残り8秒までに準備)で1ストライクのペナルティーを取られ、苦笑いする場面があった。 大谷翔平 史上初の投打でピッチクロック違反にネットも盛り上がる「驚き」「最初で最後かも」(東スポWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース
He owns the record book
Might have done it on purpose?
he’s an icon in everything he does
A fitting end to a Sho-stopping performance!
— MLB (@MLB) April 5, 2023
Shohei strikes out the side in the 6th. pic.twitter.com/Ade683YGxZ
Videogame stuff 🤯
The movement on that last pitch is just ridiculous.
I've seen enough. MVP
The fact that people think Babe Ruth is better than this guy is... mind-blowing
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a pitcher continue to sharpen and expand their arsenal the way Shohei has
(※ 補足 「68」は誤記かと思ったのですが複数メディアで同様の記載あり)
Trout and Ohtani hit back-to-back RBI singles and both had an exit velo of 68 MPH pic.twitter.com/2q11fZayyL
— Talkin’ Baseball (@TalkinBaseball_) April 5, 2023
Scary as always when they hand it to the bullpen lol
Bullpen has to do better!! There was no reason for the game to be that close. But a win is a win!
and we all know if Loup were pitching it would have been 4-5 Seattle. They have the worse bullpen in the league.
The important thing is to do your best even in bad times. And even in his bad times, Ohtani is fighting for and contributing to the team by producing results.
It's good to see that the Angels can also win the close games.
Great baseball game. 4-2 Opening road trip. I’ll take it.
■大谷翔平関連 他サイトピックアップ記事内容が「よかった 役に立った」と思われたらブログランキングの投票をしてもらえると励みになります(→このリンククリックで投票完了← 1日1票反映)
■韓国人「大谷の人柄に全米が感動!」抗議中でも親切心を忘れない大谷の行動が米国で話題に→「流石日本・韓国の誇りだ!」 韓国の反応
■大谷翔平に関する新着記事 - ヤクテナ
