「無双かよ!」大谷翔平の5回13奪三振にネット「打っては3安打とか怪物すぎ」「エグすぎやろ」― スポニチ
▼投打のハイライト映像外国人ユーザー・海外メディアのコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、facebook1、2、youtube1)

Ohtani got 13Ks in 5 innings what the hell 😭😭😭😭😭this dude is better than Babe Ruth
That’s 13 K’s out of 15 outs!! @Angels ace is not human!
2022年 ジェイコブ・デグロム、5回13K
2013年: アレックス・コブ、4回2/3 13K
2012年: ザック・グレインキー、5回13K
Per the Cardinals media folks, Shohei Ohtani is just the fourth player in MLB history to record at least 13 strikeouts in 5 innings or less. The others ...
— Ryan Fagan (@ryanfagan) May 4, 2023
2022: Jacob deGrom, 13 K in 5 ip
2013: Alex Cobb, 13 in 4 2/3 ip
2012: Zack Greinke, 13 in 5 ip
大谷翔平、不条理なスイーパー 🥴
Shohei Ohtani, Absurd Sweepers. 🥴 pic.twitter.com/Vn42nGrsMi
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) May 4, 2023
┗ 打者から見れば、自分の後ろに落ちたボールをふらされるなんて・・・気分が悪い。
made him swing at a pitch that landed behind him i feel sick
made him swing at a pitch that landed behind him i feel sick
┗ こんなの打ってっこない。
That shit is unhittable.
That shit is unhittable.
┗ 大谷翔平がMLBで活躍しているこの時代を生きていられることに感謝するしかないね! Só temos que agradecer de poder viver no mesmo tempo em que Shohei Othani atua na MLB!
Shohei Ohtani, 11th, 12th and 13th Ks
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) May 4, 2023
Thru 5. 😳 pic.twitter.com/D1jqHljxx7
┗ 大谷は、なんてモンスターなんだ!
Ohtani, what a monster!
Ohtani, what a monster!
┗ 只々素晴らしい。
Just amazing
Just amazing
┗ なのに彼はヒットを打たれると、なぜか立て続けにヒットを許してしまう。奇妙だ。
Why is it when he gives up hits, he gives them up in quick succession. It’s strange
Why is it when he gives up hits, he gives them up in quick succession. It’s strange
┗ この回も速球を多く投げていたが、もし彼が試合の大半をそうしていたら(最後の打者)アレナドへの三振のようにスイーパーをもっとうまくセットアップできたはず。
He threw a lot more fastballs that inning too. If only he had been doing that for majority of the game. It would’ve set up his sweepers a lot better like his K against Arenado
He threw a lot more fastballs that inning too. If only he had been doing that for majority of the game. It would’ve set up his sweepers a lot better like his K against Arenado
┗ そうだね、彼は時々スイーパーに頼りすぎて相手から対応されたときに困ってしまうと思う。 Yeah I think he relies on the sweeper way too much sometimes and gets himself into trouble when they start taking them
The most Angel thing ever 😂
┗ 13奪三振なのに自責点4のことを言いたいわけ?
You mean 4ER on Shohei while striking out 13?
You mean 4ER on Shohei while striking out 13?
I'd rather have 0 strikeouts and nu runs given up than 27 strikeouts and 4 runs given up.
Don't forget 3 hits at the plate and an RBI
┗ それは凄い!🔥
That’s crazy!!!🔥
That’s crazy!!!🔥
He gave up 4 runs, but still a good performance for a two-way player.
get your "ohtani did X but angels still lost" headlines ready bois!
At least they pulled it out in the 9th tho! #LTBU
Just a small shame he didn’t get the win, a win is a win tho
Love to see it! But hope he figures it out soon, 9 ER in the last 2 games not gonna cut it. Let’s go Shohei!!
Shohei needs to figure out why suddenly he is giving up many homers
┗ コマンド能力かな。彼が乱れたのには本当に驚いた。 It's his command. I've been really surprised how wild he is
┗ ピッチクロックだね。今シーズンのMLBのほぼ全ての投手がこの問題に直面している。 考える暇もなく、ただ次の球を投げるしかない。It's the pitch clock , almost every pitcher in MLB this season facing this problem , they don't have much time to think , just throw the next pitch come first in their mind
The only players in American/National League history to have 500 strikeouts as a pitcher and 100 home runs as a hitter:
— Codify (@CodifyBaseball) May 4, 2023
Babe Ruth and Shohei Ohtani pic.twitter.com/zFqrt7yLXV
┗ 大谷こそが史上最高の選手。
Ohtani is the greatest player of all time
Ohtani is the greatest player of all time
┗ こうなってくると一生に一度の統計にもならないね。全世代の人たちが、両者がフィールドに立つのを見ることなく亡くなっていったのだから・・・本当にすごい。
Not even a once in a lifetime stat An entire generation lived and died without seeing either step on the field....Amazing
Not even a once in a lifetime stat An entire generation lived and died without seeing either step on the field....Amazing
We're witnessing history, and there's a whole bunch of baseball "fans" who aren't even aware.
I always viewed him as a hitter who could pitch. But hes most definitely a pitcher who can hit
┗ それか両方できる選手。
Or a player who can do both
Or a player who can do both
2023年の大谷は、投手として17~20勝、防御率3以下、250奪三振。打者として打率.290、35HR、100打点くらいの成績は残せるだろう。これでもどの予測も慎重すぎる可能性がある。 私たちは、どの選手よりも史上最高のシーズンを見ているのかもしれない。とにかく怪我なく健康のままでいてほしい!
Ohtani can finish 2023 with 17-20 wins, under 3 ERA, 250 Ks. .290 batting avg, 35 HR, 100 RBI. Any of those projections may be too conservative. We might be seeing the best season ever by any player ever. Stay healthy!!!
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