エンゼルス3連敗で今季最多借金5 大谷翔平44号2ランも腕の疲労で2回途中緊急降板 : スポーツ報知▼44号ホームランの映像
◆米大リーグ エンゼルス4―9レッズ(23日・アナハイム=エンゼル・スタジアム)
ダブルヘッダー第1戦での大谷について、外国人ユーザー、海外メディアのコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、youtube1)
Big Fly Sho-Time!!!! #44
He has such a beautiful swing! So much power
Showtime’s inspiration is truly built different.. ⚾️
Come to Wrigley, Shohei, you won’t have to hit HRs to empty seats
I will cry when the dodgers sign him in the offseason
Game Note:
— Anaheim Sports (@AnaheimSports1) August 23, 2023
Shohei exits game with discomfort during the 1st game 2nd inning against the Reds in Anaheim.
Feel better soon Sho!
Credit: MLB#大谷翔平 #Ohtani #Angels #GoHalos pic.twitter.com/uC58en5Myb
┗ 怪我ではなくただの疲労だといいけど・・・心配だね。早く良くなってほしい。
I really hope it's just fatigue and not an injury...I'm worried. I wish you a speedy recovery
I really hope it's just fatigue and not an injury...I'm worried. I wish you a speedy recovery
Shohei Ohtani has left the mound with the trainer and is out of the game pic.twitter.com/Oy5TfVyo6H
— Talkin’ Baseball (@TalkinBaseball_) August 23, 2023
┗ 誰もがこんな光景は好まない。
Nobody liked that
Nobody liked that
┗ 彼を研究室の充電ステーションで充電しよう。明日はすぐに使えるようになる。
Plug him back into the charging station at the lab - he’ll be good to go tomorrow.
Plug him back into the charging station at the lab - he’ll be good to go tomorrow.
┗ マウンドに上がるたびに怪我をしているように感じるのだが。
Feels like he’s injured every time he goes out there on the mound smh
Feels like he’s injured every time he goes out there on the mound smh
I hope Shohei is fine, he hit his major league leading 44 HR, before that he was pitching with a 20 inning scoreless streak without an earn run and 19Ks.
He’s getting injured too often now. They gotta rest him. If this keeps up, we gon have to have that discussion about him being a 2 way player, because they have the man playing thru injuries that haven’t even healed yet.
Angels should get fined for ruining careers. Jail time too.
Stick to the hitting before he gets an injury he can't come back from.
┗ 大谷を狙うチームにとって、それは間違いなく正当な懸念材料になるね。彼が投打両方のポジションでのプレーにどれだけ耐えられるか。もし彼が怪我をすれば、大砲としての打者とローテーション上位の先発投手、二人分のキーマンを失うことになる。
That’s definitely a legit concern for any team going after Ohtani. How long can he hold up playing both positions? If he gets injured then you lose two key players, your big bat and a top of the rotation arm.
That’s definitely a legit concern for any team going after Ohtani. How long can he hold up playing both positions? If he gets injured then you lose two key players, your big bat and a top of the rotation arm.
フィル・ネヴィン監督と エリカ・ルウェストン記者が、大谷の最新情報を提供🦄。
Phil Nevin and @EricaLWeston provide the Ohtani update🦄
— Bally Sports West (@BallySportWest) August 24, 2023
(🚨This just in, Ohtani is in the line up for tonight🚨)@Angels | #AngelsLive pic.twitter.com/MrLj7dkIdL
┗ 何週間も腕に疲労を感じているのに、これは正常ではないね。なぜ彼は未だにラインアップに残っているのか。
It’s not normal to be feeling arm fatigue for weeks…. Why is he still in the lined up
It’s not normal to be feeling arm fatigue for weeks…. Why is he still in the lined up
┗ 大谷も、トラウトでさえも・・・.たとえ体が痛くても本能的に出場しようとするんだろうね。これが究極のプロだ。レンドンも少しは見習ってくれたらなあ。
ohtani, and even trout... even when their body hurts their natural instinct is to go out there, ultimate pros. if only rendon were like that...
ohtani, and even trout... even when their body hurts their natural instinct is to go out there, ultimate pros. if only rendon were like that...
Get well Shohei. Baseball needs you.
