■映像(日本語字幕付き 14分23秒 2023/08/26公開)
この映像を見た外国人ユーザーと思われるコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)
He’s such a happy and thoughtful person. From picking up litter around the tracks to making lunch for himself and sharing with his colleagues. The wholesomeness of this video overflows.
Love how Japan keeps their services working in an impecable way even when they are not modernized, shows a huge amount of respect to tradition and society in general. The president of the company drives a train too and work side by side with his employees? What an amazing human being.
I am a chief train conductor in Germany so this was SO interesting to me!
Takaya is such a beautiful man and his smile can light up any room. I would ride the train just to see him.
As a Train Driver in the UK, I cannot express how massive of a deal it is for the president of the company to also be a Driver as well. I cannot applaud it enough, I want to hug that man.
┗ 私はオランダ最大の鉄道会社に勤めている一員として、これはすごいことだと思う!動画に出てくるのは比較的乗客が少なく古風な/観光タイプのサービスだけど、それでもすごいね!
As someone working for the largest Dutch train company, I think it's amazing! Obviously the trains in the video are more of a traditional/tourist type service with relatively few passengers, but still!
As someone working for the largest Dutch train company, I think it's amazing! Obviously the trains in the video are more of a traditional/tourist type service with relatively few passengers, but still!
My goodness not even one minute in and I can already tell that this man is incredibly detail oriented and organized. The perfect traits for a train conductor, I bet he’s never been late to work.
┗ (※5:05~の場面) 彼が取り消し線を引くときに定規ガイドを使っているのを目にしたとき、その献身さに思わずクスッと笑ってしまったよ。
I chuckled at the dedication when I saw his ruler guide for line drawing
I chuckled at the dedication when I saw his ruler guide for line drawing
You can tell from his body language and his smile that he absolutely love his work. The whole train company, the train, the building, the aesthetics, the lifestyle is so quaint that I absolutely think its the perfect setting for an Iyashikei anime.
There's something very charming seeing the behind the scenes of a railway conductor and their workspaces in the inaka. It's nice that they kept all those thank you letters from children visiting the station too. People seem way more relaxed out there.
A ten hour shift that includes a two hour meal break, and it's only every-other day? Sign me up!
Las veces que he ido a Japón he montado en trenes modernos (incluyendo el Shinkansen), ¡pero no sabía que tenían estaciones así de tradicionales! Me encantan las cosas antiguas, y este video puso una sonrisa de principio a fin n.n
It makes me happy to see people proud of the work they do even if the floor concrete is old and the cabinet doors are worn.
he is literally the kid who "liked trains" and made something out of it.
I love the fact that in a highly modern and digitalized country such as Japan there's still a place for tradition and an "old school", laid-back style of living. Charming!
As many others have also commented this is really one of the best from a day in the life series. So impressive to see how dedicated and passionate Takaiya is in work. Japanese people have an incredible unmatched work ethic. Wish him and the railway all the very best and thanks for sharing this endearing story.
Every job he covers has it's own charm and embodies the passionate spirit of those who choose it.
自分の仕事に情熱を注げば、その仕事がより良いものになる。部外者には退屈に見えるかもしれないが、彼は自分の仕事を愛しているのが伝わってくる。 イギリス
Being passionate about your work means you'll be better at it. You can tell he loves his job despite how tedious it seems to outsiders
i wish takaya were my train conductor! I love his passion for his work

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