プロボクシングの4団体統一スーパーバンタム級王者井上尚弥(30=大橋)が5月6日、東京ドームでWBC世界同級1位のルイス・ネリ(29=メキシコ)と防衛戦に臨む24日(日本時間25日)、米スポーツ局ESPNが報じた。同局によると、関係者が語ったと報道している。正式決定すれば88年、90年にマイク・タイソンが世界戦して以来、約34年ぶりの東京ドームでのボクシング興行となり、日本人のメインイベンターも初めてとなる。このニュースについて、外国人ユーザーと思われるコメントをまとめました。タイソンvsダグラス的な番狂わせを連想するコメントも目立っていました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1)4団体統一王者の井上尚弥、5・6東京ドームでルイス・ネリと防衛戦 米ESPN報道 #井上尚弥 #ボクシングhttps://t.co/NMnACqDAwE
— 日刊スポーツ (@nikkansports) January 25, 2024
Love to see it!
They need as big an arena as possible to accommodate all those Japanese eager to watch the violent dismantling of Luis Nery.
Don't see Nery giving him too much trouble to be honest.
Luis Nery was banned from fighting in Japan and he’s been allowed for this fight…. You can guess why.
Vamos pantera 😭
Another big upset is coming.
when nery be throwing his wild punches inoues gonna time him and make him pay countering him and going to the body like figueroa considering that inoue is devastating body snatcher.
Inoue via KO to the body in the 9th
Would a Nery win be as big an upset as Douglas over Tyson? Bigger?
The venue should be the worst omen for the overwhelming favorite
┗ もしも相手を過小評価し、マイクのように贅沢なライフスタイルを送って準備不足のままで臨んだら、そうなるかもね。でも井上はそんなことはないし大丈夫なはずだよ。
if you come in ill prepared, underestimate your opponent and live lavish lifestyle ala Mike then yeah somehow I do not see that in Inoue so he should be good
if you come in ill prepared, underestimate your opponent and live lavish lifestyle ala Mike then yeah somehow I do not see that in Inoue so he should be good
Fulton manfans are rooting for nery 😭
歴史は繰り返されるのか(笑) ルイス・ネリが彼を打ち負かした場合を想像してほしい。
will history repeat itself lol imagine if Luis Nery beats him
I hope they are paying good to nery! He knows that the only way to win is getting the knockout.
Nery in Japan is a whole different beast, I’m ngl this fight is scary hours for Inoue. But at the same time we might see another top tier performance since the motivation will be very high
Inoue isn't ducking anyone and keeps taking the tough fights. Major respect
Hell yea after a Canelo fight we get inoue
When Canelo retires Inoue will be the new face of boxing.
Come fight in America!
In Japan again ? Inoue needs to fight outside of his comfort zone
┗ でも、アメリカ人ボクサーがアメリカで戦っても問題にしないんだよね?
But it’s alright when American fighters fight in america?
But it’s alright when American fighters fight in america?
┗ 彼は日本で試合をしたほうがもっとお金がもらえるから(笑)
He’d get more money in Japan lol
He’d get more money in Japan lol
┗ 井上はラスベガス(2度)、カリフォルニア、スコットランドで戦ったことがある。それでも彼は自分の快適なゾーンを離れて、より少ないお金のために戦わなければいけないのかな?
He’s fought in Vegas(2X), cali, Scotland… but he’s gotta be out his comfort zone and fight for less money?
He’s fought in Vegas(2X), cali, Scotland… but he’s gotta be out his comfort zone and fight for less money?
I love how active Naoya Inoue is; it feels like he fights every 3 months. American promoters should adopt this approach instead of keeping their fighters inactive for 12-24 months at a time.
Inoue should move up in weight after this fight
Inoue gone ended up burning himself out and losing. At some point he has to give his body a break from training and fighting.
┗ それが文字通り彼の仕事なんだよ。井上は2018年以降、年に2回戦っている(コロナ禍の年だけは1回jに抑えられていた)それでも彼の体は元気なままで問題ない。
it's his literal job to do just that. Inoue has fought twice a year since 2018 (save for the COVID years where he fought once) his body is just fine
it's his literal job to do just that. Inoue has fought twice a year since 2018 (save for the COVID years where he fought once) his body is just fine
Inoue seems to be the only champ taking on the top guys on his division fight after fight. Props to him for taking tough fight after tough fight.
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