このニュースについて外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1、2、3、4)【祝】ジブリ『君たちはどう生きるか』、ゴールデン・グローブ賞を受賞!https://t.co/XLXWEZF5ld
— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) January 8, 2024
第81回ゴールデン・グローブ賞授賞式が現地時間7日に米ロサンゼルスで行われ、宮崎駿監督作『君たちはどう生きるか』がアニメーション作品賞を受賞した。日本作品の同部門受賞は史上初の快挙となる。 pic.twitter.com/G0uZ3b2MN1
Congratulations!!! 🥳
当然の受賞!おめでとう、宮崎センセイとスタジオジブリの皆さん! フィンランド
Well deserved! Congrats, Miyazaki-sensei and Studio Ghibli!
He did it again! I’m so glad he came out of retirement beautiful movie.
宮崎駿、あなたは最高だ! フィリピン
素晴らしいアニメーション映画、人生と選択について悲しくも素晴らしい方法で語られている。 香港
Great Animated Movies that talk about Life & Choice in a sad but fantastic way.
A real shame that Hayao Miyazaki wasn't at tonight's Golden Globes
It's shocking that no Japanese film had won in that category before. How long has it been a category?
┗ 2006年から。
since 2006
since 2006
いい映画だけど、私は「すずめの戸締まり」推しでした。 フィリピン
It was a good movie but I was really rooting for Suzume.
┗ 同感。宮崎監督はレジェンドだけど、スズメは本当に別次元で素晴らしかった。 アメリカ
same. Miyazaki is a legend, but Suzume really was amazing on a different level.
same. Miyazaki is a legend, but Suzume really was amazing on a different level.
lifetime achievement award for Miyazaki but I mean. Spider-Man should have won tho
This movie is alright, I guess. Story is beautiful and it looks amazing, but i didn't feel much emotion. Character or VA factors i guess
┗ エンディングもまあまあ。まるで自分はイッてしまったがパートナーは半分くらいしかイッていないのにベッドを離れるみたいな感じだ。 ベトナム
the ending is meh, like letting yourself climax and leaving bed when your partner is only halfway there
the ending is meh, like letting yourself climax and leaving bed when your partner is only halfway there
Storywise, this movie was not better than all the movies it won against or any previous Ghibli film for that matter. Very disappointing.
you are cracked if you don't think Spiderman should have gotten all the awards this year.
すずめの戸締まりのほうがいいと思った。でもディズニー以外ではどれもいい作品だね。 アメリカ
I thought Suzume was better. As long as it ain't Disney, all is good
┗ スズメの方がビジュアルがいいと思う。
i also think suzume has better visuals
i also think suzume has better visuals
┗ 私はそうは思わない。スズメはビジュアルは最高だが、ストーリーとロマンスが非常に急ぎすぎていて、ちょっと興ざめしてしまった。
I disagree. Suzume has the best visuals but the story and the romance was extremely rushed which kinda put a damper on the experience
I disagree. Suzume has the best visuals but the story and the romance was extremely rushed which kinda put a damper on the experience
If it didn't win, I was going to be extremely suspicious of how they determined the winner because this was an excellent animated film. Definitely the best that's come out of the last year
A well deserved award... now, let's hope he gets the Oscar
Miyazaki is a true legend, No Japanese filmmaker with the exception of Akira Kurosawa has received so much global acclaim.
■宮崎駿監督の「君たちはどう生きるか」、米ゴールデングローブ賞 海外の反応
■君たちはどう生きるかに関する新着記事 - ヤクテナ
