外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、2)【文春報道】ロッテ・佐々木朗希がプロ野球選手会を脱退https://t.co/P2Dl2kI5uh
— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) January 25, 2024
Roki Sasaki is the only player who has not joined his team???
He wants out.
驚いた! 佐々木が日本プロ野球選手会を脱退したそうだ。
Holy cow! Sasaki out of the Japan Baseball Players Association.
Well this is an interesting development. Seems like Roki Sasaki is making his intentions pretty clear.
Can sasaki just retire to void his contract then come over like how nomo did?
┗ できないよ、日本球界はそれを防ぐために昔からルールを変えている。
No, they changed the rules years ago to prevent it.
No, they changed the rules years ago to prevent it.
What’s preventing him from just coming over? MLB teams won’t sign him without Japanese consent?
┗ MLBとNPBは、このような事態を防ぐための協定を結んでいて、おそらくポスティングシステムはそこからの発端だろうね。
MLB and NPB have an agreement that would stop this from happening, it’s probably where the posting system came from
MLB and NPB have an agreement that would stop this from happening, it’s probably where the posting system came from
これから起きることに心を据えて待っておこう。佐々木朗希のドラマが1週間ほどで本格化するかもしれない。 ドジャースファン(ドジャース関連ブログのブロガー)
Hold on to your butts, the Roki Sasaki drama might be ramping up in a week or so
┗ 双方が相容れなく、かなり意見が対立している感じなのかな。なにか敵意めいたものも感じる?
Do you get the sense that both sides are far apart in what they’re willing to accept? Any animosity sensed?
Do you get the sense that both sides are far apart in what they’re willing to accept? Any animosity sensed?
┗ うん対立はしているね。選手側は2024年12月に渡米を望んでいて、対してチーム側は2026年12月に望んでいる。そうなると両者では丸2年、5000万ドルもの開きがあることになる。敵意についてはわからないけど、頑固な態度があるのは確かだろうね。(※コメ主)
I mean, yeah. If the player wants to come to the US in Dec 24, and the club wants him to come in Dec 26, then they’re two whole years and like $50 mil apart. No idea about animosity, but there certainly appears to be stubbornness.
I mean, yeah. If the player wants to come to the US in Dec 24, and the club wants him to come in Dec 26, then they’re two whole years and like $50 mil apart. No idea about animosity, but there certainly appears to be stubbornness.
(千葉ロッテ)マリーンズは卑劣な集団なんだね。佐々木を開放してあげよう。彼は日本には有り余る存在だ。 ドジャースファン
Marines are a bunch of scumbags. Free Sasaki, he’s too good for Japan
The Rōki Sasaki situation is so wild. There are so many unknowns about his contract, his intentions, and where in the world he’ll be a year from now. I can’t wait until there is more clarity.
┗ 彼が今シーズン中にMLBに来る可能性はまだあるのかな。それともそれは文字通り不可能?
is there even a % chance he can come to MLB in this season still? or that’s literally impossible?
is there even a % chance he can come to MLB in this season still? or that’s literally impossible?
┗ 普通なら不可能だ言いたいところだが、マリーンズとの契約に何らかの例外があるとも言われている・・・だから外部の人間には誰にも分からないかな。 Normally I would say it's impossible, but supposedly he has some exception in his contract with Marines... So who knows?
Matter of time for Sasaki to join LA
So if he forces his way to the @Dodgers for like $500k or less will all the teams just forfeit the season
I need Roki in a Yankees jersey right now. Don’t sign that contract
佐々木が所属チームと拘束力のある契約を結ばない限り、佐々木の武勇伝は頭痛の種になりそうだ。 もしも、ドジャースと大谷が結託して佐々木をMLBに呼び寄せたという噂が出てしまうと、多くの人から怒りを買うだろうね。
Unless he has a binding agreement with his club team, the Sasaki saga looks to be a headache. If it ever gets linked that dodgers/ohtani colluded in recruiting him to come now to MLB, its going to draw lots of anger.
Sasaki should have a US agent advising him at this point telling him to stand firm and not fall for this manipulative play.
当記事の翻訳は以上です。(※補足 すみません当記事作成途中で気づかなかったのですが、千葉ロッテとの間で来年の契約の合意がなされたようです。)記事内容が「よかった 役に立った」と思われたらブログランキングの投票(このリンククリックで投票完了)してもらえると励みになります
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