6打差7位から出た松山英樹が3連続バーディを3回奪い、ボギーなしの9バーディで大会コースレコードの「62」をマークし、通算17アンダーで逆転優勝した。松山英樹が2年ぶりツアー9勝目 アジア勢単独最多#松山英樹 #ザ・ジェネシス招待 #ゴルフhttps://t.co/S2kQaicY6z
— GDOニュース (@GDO_news) February 18, 2024
このニュースについてアメリカ人などの外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、facebook1、youtube1)何度でも見たい、圧巻の最終ラウンド❗️
— PGA TOUR Japan (@PGATOUR_Japan) February 19, 2024
松山英樹のハイライトをもう一度👀▶️▶️▶️@TheGenesisInv | @hidekiofficial_ pic.twitter.com/PcIs2ZzJLM
とてもエキサイティングなフィニッシュだった。おめでとうヒデキ! 👍😍😎🏌️⛳️
Very exciting finish and congrats to Hideki! 👍😍😎🏌️⛳️
Amazing round
Saw last day highlights every shot,what a superb controlled round.
Absolutely wonderful pitching and chipping, superb iron play, wow everything perfect
That shot on 15 into the green was absolutely legendary.
Congratulations to @hidekiofficial_ on an incredible win at @thegenesisinv. I was watching all day and seeing a record breaking 62 and coming from six shots back is truly special.
— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) February 19, 2024
┗ 投稿してくれて本当にありがとう!キング、療養中のあなたも良くなりますように!
Thanks so much for the words! Hope you are feeling better king !!!
Thanks so much for the words! Hope you are feeling better king !!!
┗ あの16番と17番ホールで見せたアプローチショットはとんでもないショットでどちらも非常に近い感じで寄せていった。(※おそらく15番と16番の間違いかと思われます。)
The approach shots on 16 and 17 were insane and so similar.
The approach shots on 16 and 17 were insane and so similar.
┗ ヒデキは今日絶好調だった。どこからともなく急に覚醒して完全に集中していた感じ。特に15番と16番のショットは素晴らしかった。
Hideki was on absolute fire today. Came outa nowhere and was completely dialed in. The shots on 15 and 16 were
Hideki was on absolute fire today. Came outa nowhere and was completely dialed in. The shots on 15 and 16 were
┗ おめでとうヒデキ、今回はギャラリーとして一緒にコースを周らせてもらったけど、あなたのショットはどれも私が見た中で最高レベルのラウンドだったね。タイロンも君のことを誇りに思っているよ。
Congrats, DECKI I enjoyed watching and walking every single shot with you was one of the best rounds I’ve ever witnessed.. T Proud of U Stud
Congrats, DECKI I enjoyed watching and walking every single shot with you was one of the best rounds I’ve ever witnessed.. T Proud of U Stud
Hideki being back in form puts a smile on my face
Was cool to watch! I’ll bet List and Cantlay are kicking themselves
So great to see a Masters Champion play this fantastic. Well done Mr. Matsuyama.
リビエラで最終ラウンドで最少スコア記録を達成し、6打差を逆転して優勝した松山英樹を祝福します。難コースのリビエラでボギー無し、9アンダー62を記録して優勝するなんて印象的です。キャリア9勝目としては最高の勝ち方ですね。 アメリカ(元プロゴルファー)
Congrats to Hideki Matsuyama for shooting the lowest final round ever at Riviera to come from 6 shots behind to win. Shooting a bogey free, 9 under par 62 around riviera is super impressive. What a way to capture your ninth career victory.
┗ 本当に実に見事な優勝。
A remarkable win from him indeed.
A remarkable win from him indeed.
┗ リビエラでの今回のラウンドがどれほど素晴らしいのか、それを理解している人はどれだけいるのだろうか。今日の彼はマジで実力を発揮していたね。ヒデキに乾杯!
Not sure people realize just how great this round was at Riv. The man was seriously golfing his ball today! Cheers Hideki!
Not sure people realize just how great this round was at Riv. The man was seriously golfing his ball today! Cheers Hideki!
It's not how you start, it's how you finish. Incredible finish by Hideki!
Huge fan of this guy.
Man, Hideki is fun to watch when he's on. Spectacular golf today.
62 on that track...!
When he's on, Hideki is the thee best iron player in golf!
┗ 何年か前にベイヒルで彼を見る機会があったが、彼の打球は信じられないほど素晴らしいよ。
Got a chance to watch him at Bay hill years ago. His ball striking is incredible.
Got a chance to watch him at Bay hill years ago. His ball striking is incredible.
Just getting warmed up for the Masters!
If Hidekis short game and putting was like this more often, he would easily be a threat every week, at any course. I love to watch him when all cylinders are firing !
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