当ブログで何度も紹介している東京在住のフィリピン系アメリカ人YouTuberパオロさん(Paolo fromTOKYO)制作の「働く日本人の一日密着シリーズ」、今回は、福岡・八女茶の製造販売会社「吉泉園」を家族とともに経営している「フキさん」一家の1日に密着しています。
■映像 (24分13秒 2024/02/10公開)(日本語字幕付き)
Day in the Life of the Most Expensive Japanese Tea Company
Day in the Life of the Most Expensive Japanese Tea Company
この映像を見た外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)
(※冒頭の紹介を見て) 彼女は39歳だって?彼女の肌は年齢を感じさせない素晴らしさだ。彼女のお母さんも同様に素敵だね!
She's 39??!! Her skin is amazing. Her mom too looks great!
Her skin looks amazing! You can tell she eats right, obviously lots of water/tea and has great skincare products
Wow beautiful house, lovely family, idyllic great location, amazing business Paolo and his wife really know how to show us the best Japan has to offer!
Their dedication with tea quality is superb
i think all the world should take notes. of how everything is organized and super clean ! this shows so much dicipline and non stop maintenance ,
この労力をかけたコンテンツに、そしてフキと彼女の家族に感謝します。おかげで日本茶ビジネスの人生を知ることができました。 フランス
thanks for your hardwork and comittment to the content. And thanks to Fuki and her family to show us the life of tea business
今までで最高クラスの話。家族で経営している話が良かったし、600年の歴史を持つ八女茶には驚かされるばかりだ。ありがとう! ウクライナ
One of the best so far. I love family business and the tea ceremony that is 600 years old just blows my mind. Thank you!
彼女の若々しい見た目は、抗酸化物質が豊富な高品質のお茶のおかげだと思うわ。私は日本茶が大好きでいつもいつも日本のお茶を買っているけど、あの甘味と旨味はまさに別世界だわ! エストニア
I'm sure her youthful look is because of the high quality tea full of antioxydants !!! I love japanese tea. I always buy tea from japan, the sweetness and umami is just another world !!
組織化された管理、清潔、整理整頓、平穏さ。この工場はまるで別の惑星の話のようだ。 ロシア
this factory is like another planet: organized management, cleanliness and tidiness, tranquility.
私は日本の抹茶を毎日飲んで気に入っているので、他のエピソードよりも今回のはとても楽しかったわ。 中国
I really enjoyed this episode more so than the others because I drink Japanese matcha tea daily and love it.
When the President said the most important thing for her is gratitude and love, I almost cried. Great video!
Imagine being born into this family, what an amazing experience!
みなさん年齢に関わらず、誰もが若々しく見えますね。私もこれからお茶を飲み始めようかな。 🍵
Everyone looks so young despite their age. I'm going to start drinking tea from now on. 🍵
Love to see an awesome young business woman standing out in a sea of old men. Wishing her and her sisters tons of success with the family business!
yo i like tea and is she single lol. she does seem like a great lady.
I didnt know people value Tea this much. Thankful to see things like these as our culture is very different from Japan.
absolutely love to see how close their family is and them building the legacy business, they just need more kids!!
This is the best series. I could have listened to them talk about tea and their family history for an hour easily.
┗ 確かに、ひとつこの動画に不満があるとすれば、エピソードがあまりにも早く終わってしまったことだろう。
Indeed, if I had one complaint, it would be that the episode ended too soon.
Indeed, if I had one complaint, it would be that the episode ended too soon.
Japan has to be the only country in the world that has this level of craftsmanship and care for every single product they produce. There are high end products all across the world of course but this level of dedication is rarely seen.
あの従業員たちは何十年も働いていると言っているのに、未だに若々しさが保たれて見えることに驚いている☺️ ☺️ ☺️☺
I’m amazed that the workers say they have worked for decades and yet still look so youthful☺️ ☺️ ☺️☺
All these videos really make me realize how committed they are to keeping everything clean and in order.
That shot at 8:10 where it's only her and the rest are men is so powerful and inspiring! It's very moving to see several Day in the Life where it's the daughters the ones who are stepping in to carry on businesses, traditions and positions of leadership.
┗ 全く同感!男性優位の社会・業界にあって、フキさんが活躍していく旅路をぜひとも見届けたいと思う。
Totally agree with this! For a male dominated society/industry, I would love to follow Fuki-san's journey of excelling in it
Totally agree with this! For a male dominated society/industry, I would love to follow Fuki-san's journey of excelling in it
And to be able to try that bottle of tea! For the first time in a long time I actually feel jealousy! Thank you for this amazing content!
私はビジネスパートナーやサプライヤーに対しての接し方が気に入った。あれこそが「おもてなし」のあり方だ フィリピン
I like how they treat their business partners and suppliers. That is how hospitality should be done.
I love this series!!!!! I swear I watch this channel more than I watch TV lol
This might be your best Day in the Life video yet at least in terms storytelling and videography. Following the younger Fuki as she roams around her town while learning from her elders about the art of tea making in both its process and history sounds like a great plot for a movie.
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