■映像 2023/11/04公開Jeep wrangler vs Toyota Land Cruiser 80 series - Offroad suspension flex
映像を見た外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)
Both did great. The performance differences are small, and possibly because they each took a slightly different line. Jeep went about 10 to 15 degrees more oblique, which increases the required ground clearance angles, but doesn't demand as much suspension travel.
Now let’s talk about which one will still be running in 25 years, and the cost of maintenance over those years.
Do the same test 300,000 miles later
┗ その同じテストはできないね、トヨタだけが姿を表すことになる。
It wouldn't be the same test, only the Toyota would show up.
It wouldn't be the same test, only the Toyota would show up.
┗ ジープは、エンジンのリビルトとサスペンションを交換しないと20万マイル以上は持たないよ。
The jeep won't last 200k without a rebuild motor and suspension replacement
The jeep won't last 200k without a rebuild motor and suspension replacement
If you want to go off road drive a Jeep and if you want to come back then drive a Toyota
┗ ハハハ。つまり、ジープでオフロードを走りに行ったら、二度と戻って来られないってこと?😂
Hahaha.. So you mean if I using a Jeep to go offroad I will never come back? 😂
Hahaha.. So you mean if I using a Jeep to go offroad I will never come back? 😂
┗ 最高のコメント(笑)😂
Best comment lol 😂
Best comment lol 😂
┗ それって、オーストラリア人が考えたくたびれたジョークだよね。元々はアウトバック(オーストラリア内陸の砂漠地域)でのランドローバー車に使われていた。
tired joke made up by Aussies who used it for land rovers in the outback.
tired joke made up by Aussies who used it for land rovers in the outback.
┗ そのジョークはランドローバー用のもの。ボリビアを横断する「トップギア・ボリビア・スペシャル」を見てみるといい。ジープには何の問題もない。
This is for the Land Rover. Watch Top Gear Bolivia special and be educated. There's nothing wrong with these Jeeps.
This is for the Land Rover. Watch Top Gear Bolivia special and be educated. There's nothing wrong with these Jeeps.
I have a Jeep Wrangler YJ and a FJ-80 series Land Cruiser. The YJ is falling apart and the Land Cruiser is still going strong at 203K miles. The build quality is not even remotely comparable
Toyota always gets you home
I can think a few scenario where having a jeep is an advantage than the land cruiser (i own a land cruiser) Soft mud: because power to weight ratio wise a jeep is better at gliding on soft mud while my land cruiser didn't struggle much a jeep would do it easier
どちらも素晴らしいオフローダーだけど、トヨタの方がより信頼性が高いでしょうね。 ↑167 カナダ
Both great off roaders but Toyota will be more reliable
┗ そうともいえない。80系ランドクルーザーは15万マイル以上走るとヘッドガスケットの問題が発生することで有名。もしも 4.0 XJ/ZJのエンジンを載せていればランクルの信頼性は10倍高まるよ。 ↑3
Not really. Those Land Cruiser 80 were known for headgasket issues at 150k ALL OF THEM. If you put a 4.0 XJ/ZJ it will be 10x more reliable than the Land Cruiser.
Not really. Those Land Cruiser 80 were known for headgasket issues at 150k ALL OF THEM. If you put a 4.0 XJ/ZJ it will be 10x more reliable than the Land Cruiser.
結局どう違うわけ? どちらも小さな尾根を登りきれたし。どちらも転倒の危険はなかった。 だから何?って感じ。
What difference does it really make? Both were able to make it up the little ridge. Neither were in danger of rolling over. So what?
┗ この後、ジープには2日後にはクラックが入ったり何らかの問題が発生するかもしれないが、トヨタはあと20万マイルは元気に走り続ける、ってこと。
and in 2 days the jeep gets a crack or issue while toyota will still be going strong for another 200,000 miles
and in 2 days the jeep gets a crack or issue while toyota will still be going strong for another 200,000 miles
┗ あくまでもテスト。テストをしても必ず違いが示されるとは限らないが、テストが無意味ということにはならない。
It's a test. Not all tests show differences. But that doesn't mean the test was pointless.
It's a test. Not all tests show differences. But that doesn't mean the test was pointless.
Jeeps are only good until the warranty runs out.
Put a toyota engine in the jeep and you got yourself a deal
If you are on the bumpy road in Saudi Arabia and the temperature is 50 degrees, of course you will choose Toyota
ジープがどんなにオフロード性能で優れていても、私はトヨタを選ぶよ。 アメリカ
I'll take Toyota no matter how good the jeep is off road
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