山本由伸、日本人初のメジャー1年目開幕投手抜てきも ロバーツ監督が韓国開幕シリーズ登板を明言 https://t.co/xp22LzC52k #野球 #baseball #yakyu
— スポーツ報知 プロ野球取材班 (@hochi_baseball) February 20, 2024
この2つのニュースに対して、外国人ユーザー、海外メディアと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。フィリーズは山本由伸にドジャースを上回る金額を提示か フィラデルフィアの地元紙が報じる 獲得資金は夏の補強に温存/大リーグ/デイリースポーツ online https://t.co/iDRtEkt12V #大谷翔平 #ドジャース #MLB #DailySports
— デイリースポーツ (@Daily_Online) February 21, 2024
当初は「開幕シリーズ登板」についてのみを探していたのですが、コメント数が物足りないと思われるので「フィリーズのオファー」を加えました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、facebook1、reddit1)
The Dodgers are hoping that Yoshinobu Yamamoto is going to pitch during LA's opening series against the Padres in Korea:
— Doug McKain (@DMAC_LA) February 20, 2024
"I think that's a safe bet. Things can change, but I think it's fair to say that that's our hope." pic.twitter.com/R7ojguJnV8
That sentence is so frickin hot to read
Ya know Yoshi HAD to start ONE of thoes games yeah of course yes yes...
1938年 ジム・バグビー
1925 レフティ・グローブ
If Yamamoto starts the first game, he would be the first pitcher to make his MLB debut as an Opening Day starter since Al Gerheauser in 1943
— Sarah Langs (@SlangsOnSports) February 20, 2024
Only others in live-ball era (1920):
1938 Jim Bagby
1925 Lefty Grove https://t.co/98FhOCvtia
Very cool.
South Korea may just see Ohtani and Yamamoto's dodgers debut
My dad thinks Yamamoto is our opening day starter, I told him there is no way it isn't Glasnow. My thoughts are that as a rookie, Roberts/Org would want his first start to be less intense and there would be a ton of pressure for the season opener. Thoughts?
They didn’t give Yamamoto all that $ to not start lol
When one of Yoshinobu Yamamoto or Tyler Glasnow start the regular season in Seoul, it will mark the 6th consecutive year in which the Dodgers will have a different starter on Opening Day.
This was after Kershaw made each Opening Day start from 2011-2018.
#Dodgers don’t plan to wait long to show off their shiny new additions. Dave Roberts confirmed Yoshinobu Yamamoto and Tyler Glasnow are "a safe bet" to start the two regular-season games in Korea a month from now.
— Bill Plunkett (@billplunkettocr) February 21, 2024
Bold to think Glasnow won’t be hurt by then
I would send the B squad to South Korea and leave the starters at home.
It’s crazy how Bobby Miller is going to be our 3 or 4th starter in the rotation to begin the season and that’s without Kersh or Buehler
I don't care who pitches...just win.
Dave we have plenty of great pitchers to choose from this year please just win
“After meeting for three hours Dec. 14 with [Yoshinobu] Yamamoto and his agents, and making a presentation that featured a video appearance by Bryce Harper, the Phillies offered more money than any team, according to multiple industry sources.” -@ScottLauber pic.twitter.com/K3U1g82ca7
— Phillies Tailgate (@PhilsTailgate) February 20, 2024
He was never coming here, unfortunately, but the fact that they tried that hard to bring him in is a great look.
山本を獲得できなかったとはいえ、フィリーズは素晴らしいオファーを示した。 フィリーズ系メディア記者
Great stuff by the Phillies. Sucks they didn't get Yamamoto
I wonder how much Phils offered
He wanted to be with a winning franchise
Probably took less to not be called racial slurs and have beer dumped on him after every bad game. Everybody knows what that fanbase is like.
He made the right choice
He probably would’ve signed here if ohtani wasn’t on the dodgers
Yamamoto could've looked like this. 😬
— Will loves Dodgers (@WillLovesDodger) February 21, 2024
YOU'VE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE, 💯!!! pic.twitter.com/t4HeLxygXK
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