■映像 2024/02/18公開
この映像を見た外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1)
He hits so crazy hard...
Man I really like how smoothly his punches changes level, he can throw any number of combination and you don't really know where he is aiming.
God given power! Extraordinary skills and hard work added on top of that. It’s over for all his opps the moment they get combo hit
Inoue is my favorite fighter, he's like a boxing textbook come to life
hat knockout of Donaire was brutal
The Ko of Moloney was so nice, he barely moved. It as close to a perfect KO I have seen in a long time.
I didn't really understand where the liver is located until i started watching Inoue 😂😂😂
彼のコンボの精度も加わって、パワーと強打をさらに高めている。 アメリカ
Such precision in his combos add in his power and bang
He got everythings great boxer must have ! Strength, speed, agility, flexibility, stamina, durability and precision !
Bro out there throwing ultra combos like it’s killer instinct circa 1995
Boxing has a good amount of exciting fighters these days but in my opinion none of them are as amazing to watch as Inoue. It's insane how easy he makes it look.
┗ 彼には非常に良い対戦相手がいるし、ヘビー級よりも井上の試合を見ている方が本当に楽しい。
And he has some very good Opponents to fight with, i really enjoy watching these Fights more than Heavyweight.
And he has some very good Opponents to fight with, i really enjoy watching these Fights more than Heavyweight.
┗ 井上があまりにも優れているからバンタム級の他の選手が平凡に見えてしまう。井上の対戦相手は、井上に負けた後でも好調を維持しているというのに。 Inoue is so good he made the rest of the 118 fighters look mediocre, the guys he fought are on good streaks since losing
井上は強い顎をを持っているし、下にも上にも打ち分けられる素晴らしい技術がある。そして彼には闘犬のような闘志もある。彼を倒すには大男が必要だろう。 アメリカ
Inoue has a great chin and excellent technique downstairs and up. He also has that dog in him. It will take a big man to beat him.
Everything is just done to perfection. One of the most talented boxers I have ever seen. One of my favorites out there today. Discovered this Monster about 2 months ago. Been watching all I can.
They sure gave him the right nick name!
He’s gonna be the known as one of the best lower weight boxers of all time. He’s already the best Japanese boxer ever
この男はパウンド・フォー・パウンドでナンバーワンと評価されるべきだ。彼のほうがベルテビエフ(※WBC・IBF ・WBO世界ライトヘビー級統一王者。20戦全勝全KO)よりも圧倒的だ。
This dude has gotta be rated number one pound for pound..his even more dominant than Bertebiev
21 world title fights in a row with 19kos, 4 weight world champion, 2x undisputed, and he is only 30 years oldEven if some people hate him, there is no one in history who can do what he does.
He is the epitome of the sweet Science of boxing.
I'd like to see him move up again and just take more belts
He keeps chasing greatness and really shows the best of him on every weight he moves up fighting the best(former/reigning/future) world champions, that's why I want to see push his limit matching with his overall skills and power.
井上が自分のスタイルやスタンスを各ファイターに合わせてカスタマイズしていくのが私は気に入っているよ。自分のスタイルに縛られず、フルトンやバトラー戦では、フィリーシェル(L字アーム)を使って、相手が何も新しいことではないことを示し、モロニーやタパラスのように強力で攻撃的なパンチャーに対しては、ハイガードを使って徐々に相手のリズムやスタイルを模倣し始め、時折驚きの一撃で相手を捉える。自分的には彼が史上最高。 アメリカ
I love how Inoue customizes his style and stance to each fighter. He took the philly shell against Fulton and Butler just to show them this opponent wasnt anything new, and be more loose with his style. He takes a high guard against stronger and aggressive punchers like Maloney or Tapalas etc... then he will eventually start to mimic his opponents and their rhythms and style at moments to catch them with a surprise shot. Hes the Goat in my book.
この動画の次回作のリストには、ネリが加わる・・・ R.I.P(安らかに眠れ)
Next list ....Nery R.I.P
The monster is about to have a panther for dinner
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