ドジャース 大谷翔平の通訳 水原一平氏を解雇 違法賭博に関与か 球団認める | NHK解雇されたこと以外の細かい事実関係が錯綜しているため、大谷と水原一平氏との間柄を中心に、外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、2)
024年3月21日 11時59分
Ippei was really fired after this win😭pic.twitter.com/jJoR7lQ0B4
— James¹⁷¹⁸🎌 (@ShotimeLAD) March 20, 2024
┗ わずか9時間前にこんなことがあったなんて・・・
It's crazy this was them just 9 hrs ago
It's crazy this was them just 9 hrs ago
┗ この時点で大谷は、何が進行しているのかを把握していたはずだ。知らないはずがない。
Ohtani had to have known by this time what was going on.
Ohtani had to have known by this time what was going on.
┗ まるでイエス・キリストが、自分を裏切ることを十分知りながらユダを見ているような光景だ。
This is like when Jesus looked at Judas knowing fully well he would betray him
This is like when Jesus looked at Judas knowing fully well he would betray him
┗ 君たちだったら、450万ドルを盗んだとされる「疑惑の男」として認識しているのなら、こんなにも冷静でいられるだろうか。
Yall being this cool with a guy that “allegedly” stole $4.5m dollars from you?
Yall being this cool with a guy that “allegedly” stole $4.5m dollars from you?
┗ 彼は全く知らなかった。
┗ この光景を見て胸が張り裂けそうだ。一平は大谷夫妻にとって親友同然なのに、一平の妻も同様にね。
This is heartbreaking. Just as Ippei a close family friend to the Ohtanis, his wife is also the same. his wife is also the same.
This is heartbreaking. Just as Ippei a close family friend to the Ohtanis, his wife is also the same. his wife is also the same.
┗ このようにダグアウトにいるのが最後かもしれないというのは本当にとんでもないことだ・・・😢
It's a big deal that this may be the last time their in the dugout like this... 😢
It's a big deal that this may be the last time their in the dugout like this... 😢
Big problems for Ohtani and Dodgers... where there's smoke, there's
Something is happening here….this isn’t going to end well I’m afraid
Ohtani bout to be the next Pete Rose
A tale that’s about as real as joe Biden winning the 2020 election
Dude, people are creating theories that it's actually Shohei that has the gambling problem and I don't buy that at ALL. That sounds extremely out of character of him!!! I'm so heart broken by this. Why Ippei!?!?!?! Why 😭😭😭
Wonder if Ohtani plays tomorrow morning…. Or do they take him out of the media spotlight
Shohei and Ippei have been friends since 2013.
— Shawn Spradling (@Shawn_Spradling) March 21, 2024
We have no idea what the outcome of this mess will be, but it just makes me sad. pic.twitter.com/ud5vOPLVqP
┗ 同じ気持ち。わたしたちは一平が好きだった。とてもね😔。彼は試合ではいつも親切で優しかった。
Same.. we liked Ippei. A lot. 😔 He was always so kind at games
Same.. we liked Ippei. A lot. 😔 He was always so kind at games
┗ どうしてドジャースに写った途端にこんな事が起きるのだろうか。
Why tf would this happen as soon as he becomes a Dodger?!
Why tf would this happen as soon as he becomes a Dodger?!
┗ これを見るのはとにかく悲しい。私達は一平がそばにいない翔平を見ることはほとんどないからね。
It's just sad to see this. We rarely see Shohei without Ippei by his side.
It's just sad to see this. We rarely see Shohei without Ippei by his side.
┗ 問題が解決した後、二人はずっと友人であり続けることに私は一票を投じる。
I'll bet they will remain friends long after the dust settles.
I'll bet they will remain friends long after the dust settles.
┗ 一平は悪いような男には見えない。でもギャンブルをする人なら誰もがどれほどストレスになるかはわかっているはずだ。これを見ている子どもたちへ、そのことをよく考えてほしい。
Ippei wasn't a bad looking guy. Everyone who gambles knows how stressful it is. Just something to think about, kids.
Ippei wasn't a bad looking guy. Everyone who gambles knows how stressful it is. Just something to think about, kids.
┗ ギャンブルは全てを台無しにする。
Gambling ruins everything.
Gambling ruins everything.
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