
大谷翔平 2戦連発6号 今季MLB最速弾 ナショナルズ・パークでは初本塁打で日本選手最多24球場目(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース
4/24(水) 10:34配信
◇ナ・リーグ ドジャース―ナショナルズ(2024年4月23日 ワシントンDC)
外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1 、 facebook1 、 instagram1 )
450 FEET FROM SHOHEI! pic.twitter.com/vgzPH7A8Ve
— MLB (@MLB) April 24, 2024
┗ あの音 😩😩😩
That sound 😩😩😩
That sound 😩😩😩
┗ 翔平に真ん中高めへのカーブを投げるなんて(笑)
hung a fat curveball over the middle of the plate to shohei ??
hung a fat curveball over the middle of the plate to shohei ??
┗ 打球速度では、今年のメジャーで最もハードな打撃。
The hardest hit ball in the majors so far this year by exit velocity.
The hardest hit ball in the majors so far this year by exit velocity.
┗ 彼のバットから放たれる音はとにかく「別物」だ。
The sound off his bat is just DIFFERENT 🔥
The sound off his bat is just DIFFERENT 🔥
┗ バットを離れるやいなや、すぐにホームランだと確信できる・・・いや、もしかするとバットを離れる前からかもしれないね!
Absolutely know it’s gone as soon as it leaves the bat…. Maybe before!
Absolutely know it’s gone as soon as it leaves the bat…. Maybe before!
┗ これをスタジアムで直接見ていたら、信じられないほどに最高にクールだろうね。
This was INCREDIBLY cool to see in person
This was INCREDIBLY cool to see in person
┗ ボールがかわいそう。
Poor ball
Poor ball
┗ とんでもないサウンド!
Crazy sound!!
Crazy sound!!
┗ この動画の最初の1秒を、一生オーディオループで聞かせてほしい
Feed me the first second of this on audio loop for the rest of my life.
Feed me the first second of this on audio loop for the rest of my life.
┗ わずか1時間足らずで50万回以上再生。ドジャースが大リーグを牛耳っている。
More than half a million views in less than 1 hour. Dodgers run the league now.
More than half a million views in less than 1 hour. Dodgers run the league now.
┗ 明日までに5万2千の「いいね」がつくだろう。 ヤンキースファン
This will have 52K likes by tomorrow morning
This will have 52K likes by tomorrow morning
┗ 大谷のホームランはどれも、ボールが刻まれたような音がする。
Every Shohei homer sounds like the ball got tattooed
Every Shohei homer sounds like the ball got tattooed
┗ MLB公式は、この夏の間ずっとこのハイライト映像を見せ続けるでしょう。
They’ll be showing this highlight for the whole summer.
They’ll be showing this highlight for the whole summer.
┗ 打球速度119マイルのこの打球に病みつきになりそう。
119 mph off the bat i’m gonna be sick
119 mph off the bat i’m gonna be sick
┗ あのスイング、あの音、そしてあの飛距離。
That swing. That sound. The distance
That swing. That sound. The distance
┗ 翔平のホームランは野球界で最も美しい音を奏でる。
Shohei homer’s have the most beautiful sound in baseball.
Shohei homer’s have the most beautiful sound in baseball.
┗ あの打球音はとにかく馬鹿げている(笑)
the sound off the bat is ridiculous lmao
the sound off the bat is ridiculous lmao
┗ そうだよ、MLBがこの男を出場停止にするわけないよ、彼はますます上手くなっているのは明らかだしさ 😂😂
Yeah ain’t no way MLB was banning this dude I mean come on he clearly did it the better he gets 😂😂
Yeah ain’t no way MLB was banning this dude I mean come on he clearly did it the better he gets 😂😂
┗ 大谷にとってワシントンDCでの初戦で、彼はこんな感じで相手ファンに挨拶するんだね😍😍😍
First game in DC and this is how he greets the opposing fans. 😍😍😍
First game in DC and this is how he greets the opposing fans. 😍😍😍
┗ 野球界で最も刺激的な男にど真ん中のミートボールを投げ込んだ。
Threw the most electrifying man in baseball a meatball right down the middle lmfao
Threw the most electrifying man in baseball a meatball right down the middle lmfao
┗ 彼がいてくれて私達は本当に幸せだわ🤩💙🤍
We are so lucky to have him 🤩🤩💙🤍
We are so lucky to have him 🤩🤩💙🤍
Him as a full time hitter is scary.
Coming off Tommy John and still crushing. Impressive.
ドジャースの選手であんなに強い打球を打つのは初めて見た 🤯
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Dodger hit a baseball that hard before 🤯
I love hearing the crack of a bat!!
i always love looking at the pitcher's reaction,
would read 10,000 words on how stoked this guy is
Looks like it’s time for him to chase the homerun leaderboards this season
Best player in the league with the best team in the MLB!! 😳
Hoping to see him on the mound again.
私がナショナルパークスタジアムで見た中では最長のホームランかもしれない。 メッツファン
That might be the furthest ball I’ve seen hit at National Park
I've been watching baseball for 40 years and I think that is one of the most beautiful homers I have ever seen.
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