今回は、2011年に統一教会(世界平和家庭連合)の元2世信者が、掲示板サイトredditのAMA(Ask Me Anything)板に建てたスレッドを紹介します。
RedditのAMA(Ask Me Anything)板は、自分の経験に関するスレッドを立ててQ&A方式で答えていきます。ときには有名人、専門家も参加するためにredditでは人気があるようです。
(※スレ主)以下、スレ主やりとりした投稿についてまとめました。(引用翻訳元 reddit1、2(Web archive))
(※以降のアンサーマーク「A. 」の返信はすべてスレ主によるもの)
Q. もしも結婚する際に相手のサラのことが気に入らなかったら、取り決めを断ることはできるのかな
So if you didnt like Sarah you could've declined the arrangement?
┗ A. 質問の条件では可能だよ、私達の場合は両親によっての見合いだからね。ただし、教祖が行うマッチングセレモニーに行った場合は、誰が選ばれてもマッチングを断ることはできない。事前に「誰が相手でも受け入れてその関係を築いていく意思がある場合にのみ参加するように」ということに承諾しているからね。
Yep, since we got arranged by our parents. Now, if you had went to a matching ceremony conducted by the founder of the church, you aren't supposed to decline the matching, no matter who is chosen. They encourage you to go only if you are willing to accept anyone and work on that relationship with them.
Yep, since we got arranged by our parents. Now, if you had went to a matching ceremony conducted by the founder of the church, you aren't supposed to decline the matching, no matter who is chosen. They encourage you to go only if you are willing to accept anyone and work on that relationship with them.
Q. 統一教会を離れた理由は何?
What caused you to leave the church?
┗ A. 理由としては、創始者文師の家族である「真の家族」間の内輪もめに嫌気がさしたこと、教会側の「こうしてほしい」と思うことのすべてにうんざりしたこと。それと教会にいる多くの人がフルタイムの宣教師になって、自分の家族に最高の生活を提供することよりも地上天国の実現を優先していたこと。
I grew tired of some internal drama between the True Family (the family of Rev. Moon, the founder of the church) and was just jaded from all these things they 'want' you to do. Many people who are in the church become full time missionaries, not focusing on providing the best life for their family, but instead trying to actualize the kingdom of heaven on earth I was also becoming apathetic of a God figure, because he wasn't really revealing himself much at all to me, even though I did TONS of church work, what with volunteering for 1.5 years as a full time missionary/fundraiser across the USA.
I grew tired of some internal drama between the True Family (the family of Rev. Moon, the founder of the church) and was just jaded from all these things they 'want' you to do. Many people who are in the church become full time missionaries, not focusing on providing the best life for their family, but instead trying to actualize the kingdom of heaven on earth I was also becoming apathetic of a God figure, because he wasn't really revealing himself much at all to me, even though I did TONS of church work, what with volunteering for 1.5 years as a full time missionary/fundraiser across the USA.
Q. スレ主はスレを作るときに「カルト」という表現を使っている。つまり統一教会がカルトであることを承知しているということだよね。スレ主はいつ頃、その事に気づいたのだろうか。
You call it a cult in the topic post, so I'm assuming you're pretty well aware that that's exactly what it is. When did you realize that you were in a cult?
┗ A. 私が統一教会のことをカルトという表現を使ったのは、統一教会を知る人の中で、統一教会を否定的に見る人もいるという意味で使っただけよ。全体的に教会の環境は私が成長していくのに悪い場所ではなかったと思う。
I call it a cult in the sense that some people who know of the church view it in a negative light due to some reason or another. Overall, the church environment wasn't a bad place to grow up in.
I call it a cult in the sense that some people who know of the church view it in a negative light due to some reason or another. Overall, the church environment wasn't a bad place to grow up in.
Q. 私は統一教会のことは詳しくないけど再婚することはできるの?
Sorry, I don't know much about the Unification Church, but can you or would you re-marry one day?
┗ A. 望むのであれば、教会内で再婚することは可能だよ。しかし、私は「堕落」してしまったから無理だ。なぜかというと離婚が決まってから半年後くらいから付き合い始めた人がいて、結婚していない状態で性交渉をしてしまったからだ。だから統一教会の定義ではすでに「2世」ではなくなってしまった。
I could get remarried within the church if I wanted to. I've "fallen", which means having s●x outside of being married, which means that in the church, I'm no longer "2nd generation". I started dating around about 6 months after divorce was decided on.
I could get remarried within the church if I wanted to. I've "fallen", which means having s●x outside of being married, which means that in the church, I'm no longer "2nd generation". I started dating around about 6 months after divorce was decided on.
Q. スレ主と元妻と関係が悪化したのは、スレ主が教会を去ったことが原因なのかな、それともその逆?統一教会は離婚を認めているのかな?教会での離婚率はどの程度かな?個人的すぎる質問をしているような気がしているので、不快なものはスキップして構わない。
Was the falling out with your ex caused by your leaving the church or vice versa? Do Moonies allow divorce? What's the divorce rate like in the church? I feel like I'm asking overly personal stuff, feel free to skip what doesn't sit well.
┗ A. 不快とかではないから全く心配ないよ。今だから完全に正直言うけどね。結婚当初の自分は愚かで嫌な奴だったよ。当時自分は18歳で未熟だったし、統一教会の原則に従っていたから恋愛経験も恋愛スキルもなかった。だから、そのせいにしたいところだけど、夫婦の関係が悪化していった原因は、私が自分勝手で愚かだったこともあるね。自分の行動が間違っていると気づいた時には、当時の妻は怒りが蓄積していて、それが全く治まらかったよ。私は自分が変わったこととか結婚生活をうまく送るために最善を尽くしていることを証明しようとしたけど、妻には信じてもらえず、逆にますます距離を置くようになってしまったんだ。そうして私は興味を失い始めていった。教会の良い信者のふりをしてみても、妻との問題は解決されず、それどころか私をますます恨んでいった。
離婚率についてだけど、最初に入信して創始者のマッチングと祝福を受けた1世信者の離婚率は10%以下だと思う。かなり低いね。その子供たちの2世信者はというと、ほとんど親にマッチングされるのだが、2世信者の離婚率はおそらくアメリカ平均の50%に近いと思う。ここでいう「離婚」というのは、「祝福」を破ってしまうという意味ね。祝福を受けた後、すぐに法的な結婚をしないカップルも多い。ある意味、お互いをよく知るための "交際期間 "とも言える。
No worries at all. To be totally honest, I was a dumb asshole in the beginning of our marriage. I'd like to blame immaturity (I was 18) and a lack of relationship skills (I had been in no prior romantic relationships due to following the church's principles), but it was also because I was being selfish and stupid. By the time I realized how I was acting was wrong, my now ex-wife had all this anger built up which she couldn't get over at all, and caused her to lash out at me. No matter how I tried to prove I had changed and was really trying my best to make our marriage work, she didn't believe me and just distanced herself more and more. I started just losing interest. It didn't help the matter of my wife pretending to be a good church member and resenting me even more for that. As for the divorce rate...the first members to join the church and be matched and blessed by the founder's divorce rate is sub 10% I believe. Quite low. As for their children, who are mostly matched by their parents; their divorce rate is probably the US average, 50%. I mean divorce in that they break their "blessing". Many couples don't get legally married right after they get blessed. In some ways, it's their "dating time" to get to know each other better before binding themselves together legally.
離婚率についてだけど、最初に入信して創始者のマッチングと祝福を受けた1世信者の離婚率は10%以下だと思う。かなり低いね。その子供たちの2世信者はというと、ほとんど親にマッチングされるのだが、2世信者の離婚率はおそらくアメリカ平均の50%に近いと思う。ここでいう「離婚」というのは、「祝福」を破ってしまうという意味ね。祝福を受けた後、すぐに法的な結婚をしないカップルも多い。ある意味、お互いをよく知るための "交際期間 "とも言える。
No worries at all. To be totally honest, I was a dumb asshole in the beginning of our marriage. I'd like to blame immaturity (I was 18) and a lack of relationship skills (I had been in no prior romantic relationships due to following the church's principles), but it was also because I was being selfish and stupid. By the time I realized how I was acting was wrong, my now ex-wife had all this anger built up which she couldn't get over at all, and caused her to lash out at me. No matter how I tried to prove I had changed and was really trying my best to make our marriage work, she didn't believe me and just distanced herself more and more. I started just losing interest. It didn't help the matter of my wife pretending to be a good church member and resenting me even more for that. As for the divorce rate...the first members to join the church and be matched and blessed by the founder's divorce rate is sub 10% I believe. Quite low. As for their children, who are mostly matched by their parents; their divorce rate is probably the US average, 50%. I mean divorce in that they break their "blessing". Many couples don't get legally married right after they get blessed. In some ways, it's their "dating time" to get to know each other better before binding themselves together legally.
Q. 脱会した今ではあなたは無神論者になってしまったのかな、それとも別の宗教を信仰しているのかな。
So would you now consider yourself an atheist, or are you currently practicing another religion?
┗ A. 強いて言えば、自分のことを不可知論者(※神といったものは人知をもってしては知りえないとする立場。)だと考えているよ。でも今のところはよくわからないし、気にもしていない。とにかく自分の人生を幸せにすること、キャリアを成功させること、そして娘にできる限り良い父親であり続けることに集中しているよ。
I consider myself agnostic if I had to name it. Don't know, don't care as of now. I'm just focused on making my life happy, getting a successful career, and being as good a father as I can be to my daughter.
I consider myself agnostic if I had to name it. Don't know, don't care as of now. I'm just focused on making my life happy, getting a successful career, and being as good a father as I can be to my daughter.
┗ その心構えであれば、あとはうまくいくと思う。(※コメ主) And as you do this the rest will fall into place.
┗ Q. 他の宗教、特に「主流派」のキリスト教をどのように見ているのかな? How do you view other religions, especially "mainstream" Christianity?
┗ A. 私は、宗教というものは多くの人に人生の目的を与えたり、多くの人に何らかの形で道徳を与えたりするものだと考えている。可能な限り、どの宗教にも肯定的な側面を見るようにしているよ。 I feel religion provides many people with a purpose in life, or also gives some form of morals to many people, which I view as a positive thing. I think I always try and see a positive side to everything if possible.
Q. 新婚初夜はどんな感じだったの?
What was the wedding night like?
┗ A. 祝福を受けた当日の夜も、まだ合同結婚式の範囲内だったから、セッティングされた場で他の人と一緒に寝ていたよ。当時の私は18歳の童貞、彼女は21歳の処女で、当然ほとんど性的経験がないから、二人とも自分が何をしているのかまったくわからないし、初めてのセッ●スはひどいものだったよ。
The night we got blessed, we were still sleeping in a public setting since it was a mass wedding. The first time we had s●x was horrible since we both didn't know what we were doing at all since I was 18 and a virgin, and she was 21 and a virgin, with not much sexual experiences prior.
The night we got blessed, we were still sleeping in a public setting since it was a mass wedding. The first time we had s●x was horrible since we both didn't know what we were doing at all since I was 18 and a virgin, and she was 21 and a virgin, with not much sexual experiences prior.
Another former moonie 2nd gen here, also a product of the '82 madison square garden blessing. Didn't think there were so many of us on reddit. Thanks for the AMA (good answers btw), and all the best to you.
┗ A. お会いできてうれしいな!もしかしたら私達は何かのワークショップで会ったことがあったりしたかもしれないし、共通の知り合いがいるかもしれないね。ムーニーとして育てられると、そういうこともありそうだね。
Good to see you around! Chances are, we may have met at some workshop or another, or we know common people. Being raised as a moonie seems to do that to you.
Good to see you around! Chances are, we may have met at some workshop or another, or we know common people. Being raised as a moonie seems to do that to you.
Fellow ex Moonie here. Just wishing you the best.
┗ A. あなたもね!
And to you!
And to you!
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