初回、左を出した尚弥に対し、ネリの左フックがヒット。井上は初ダウンを喫した。しかし2回は左フックを逆に当てて、ネリからダウンを奪った。お互いに強打が当たる距離での応酬に東京ドームでは、どよめきの歓声が交錯した。 4回は互いにノーガードで向き合い、挑発する場面もあったが、徐々に、尚弥のパンチがヒットしていった。5回には、再び尚弥が左フックでダウンを奪うと流れをつかんだ。6回には右のパンチがクリーンヒットし、ネリがマットに沈んだ。【歴史的1勝】井上尚弥がネリを6回TKO! 1R衝撃ダウンに互いに挑発も3度ダウン奪うhttps://t.co/bTSz7Rrojg
— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) May 6, 2024
34年ぶりの東京ドームボクシング興行で、4団体統一世界スーパーバンタム級王者の井上尚弥が挑戦者ルイス・ネリを6回TKOで下し、4本のベルトを守った。 pic.twitter.com/QekYMBc7WE
外国人ユーザーと思われるコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1 、 facebook1 、 instagram1 、 boxingscene1 )
congrats Naoya!
Wow ! The Real Monster!
What a great fight.
Inoue is just too good. I was so surprised to see him get dropped but he got his payback for that…
He is the absolute full package! I didn't think he was too hurt with the knockdown. his power and punch mechanics are simply incredible. Generational dude right there!!!!
I’m Mexican but Inoue has been my favorite fighter for a while now dudes a fuckin MONSTER UNREAL SPEED , nery couldn’t make no adjustments after he got knocked down just decided to go blow for blow which obviously didn’t work out lmao
Was very satisfying seeing cheating Nery get ruined the way he did.
Dislike Nery but credit where it's due he came to win and showed a lot of heart.
井上が第一ラウンドでダウンした後、多くの人が彼を疑った 😭
they doubted him after he got dropped in the first round 😭
That's the difference in high IQ fighters. Immediately made the necessary adjustments. And destroy.
No surprises here, the monster did what he was supposed to do ,the man is unmatched for now.
Naoya Inoue gets knocked down for the first time in his career, gets up & floors Luis Nery three times, knocking him out in round 6 to retain the undisputed super bantamweight titles.
— 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜𝓈 (@DiariosJournals) May 6, 2024
┗ 最後のあのノックアウトシーンはまるで映画のシーンみたいだ。ネリの頭がアニメのようにロープに吹き飛ばされた
that knockout was something out of a movie... Nery's head got blasted to the ropes like a cartoon💀
that knockout was something out of a movie... Nery's head got blasted to the ropes like a cartoon💀
┗ 井上が漫画のキャラクターのようにダウンしてしまう。
Inoue fell like a cartoon character
Inoue fell like a cartoon character
┗ にしても井上がダウンするなんてほぼあり得ないと思っていたから、ダウンした時はショックだった。今日は0.1%の可能性が起こった。
Ngl I was shocked when he went down like it’s nearly impossible for him to go down 0.1% chance happened today
Ngl I was shocked when he went down like it’s nearly impossible for him to go down 0.1% chance happened today
┗ 井上は復活した後、ブレーキを解除した!
Inoue came back and beat the brakes off of him !!!!
Inoue came back and beat the brakes off of him !!!!
┗ チャンピオン井上のハートの強さ、ネリ戦でも逆境から復活できることを証明した。
Heart of a champion.. proved he could come back from adversity against a game Nery
Heart of a champion.. proved he could come back from adversity against a game Nery
┗ この前のデヴィン・ヘイニー戦の番狂わせもあったし、ボクシングファンなら誰もが番狂わせを警戒している。もしもカネロ、クロフォード、井上に番狂わせが起きても決して動揺することはないだろう。
After Devin Haney’s fight, everyone is on higher alert to see an upset. You’re never gonna see upset with Canelo, Crawford, or Inoue
After Devin Haney’s fight, everyone is on higher alert to see an upset. You’re never gonna see upset with Canelo, Crawford, or Inoue
Now everybody knows Inoue is human. He got careless in that first round and got dropped hard, but he made every neccessary adjustment to make sure that left hand didn't land clean again. He absolutely dominated and brutalized Nery the rest of the way after that. Eventually, fighting bigger guys this was bound to happen despite his amazing skill, but he showed that even when hurt, he is still defensively sound and dangerous. Great fight.
The P4P #1 showing us once again why he is such a special fighter. How can you not be in awe of the great Naoya Inoue- appreciate him whilst he’s here folks!
Inoue's precision punching is something else. A legend in real time.
i'm amazed at how much power he can generate without much travel, that left hand in the second KD was brutal. also the finishing right hand, it looks as it had any effort behind it yet he crushed nery brutally. morons will say he got exposed by that first KD. inoue makes mistakes and then corrects them. he still is numer 1 p4p
Inoue's defence looked bad in this fight. He should not have gotten caught in the first round and I see lots of wild left hooks.
Nery was rushing in with his head in the 5th until he did connect with a headbutt. Fortunate that it did not cause any significant damage.
Best fighter on the planet
How soon can we get Inoue to move up a weight class? There's absolutely nobody left for him in this division
Another masterclass performance by The Monster. The way he selects his punches and lands them precisely is truly remarkable. Couldn't wait to see him fight Brandon Figueroa.
パッキャオと戦うにはいい頃合いだ。 フィリピン
Time to fight Pacquiao
モンスター vs クアドロ・アラス(※ジョンリル・カシメロの愛称)
さあ、対戦を実現させよう! ↑110 フィリピン
(※ 補足 当ブログでは「カシメロと戦え」的なフィリピン人のお約束コメントはスパムと見なして基本スルーしていますが、目立っているのでこれ一つだけ取り上げました。)
The Monster vs. Quadro Alas Let's go!!!
ボクシング史上最高クラスに偉大なチャンピオン、それが井上尚弥である。 アメリカ
One of the greatest boxing champions ever is Naoya Inoue
The legend Inoue entertained once again, congratulations!
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