— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) July 16, 2024
9月3日に東京・有明アリーナで元IBF世界同級王者TJ・ドヘニー(アイルランド)と4団体防衛戦を行うと発表。井上は「一発を警戒しながら一発も触れさせない気持ちで自分のボクシングを展開したい」と話す。 pic.twitter.com/p60dp3JjfR
このニュースについて外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1 、 boxingscene1 、 instagram1 、 X1)
The best boxer alive is back 🔥🔥
Easy win for Inoue
What an opportunity for an Irish man cruising into enemy territory to fight one of the P4P greats . Underwhelming move from Inoue but great opportunity for Doheny 🇮🇪
Inoue should just move up stop defending all them belts
it is a card worth watching ..............no problem with Monster taking this guy on esp with his record over there. Inoue will fight those mentioned in due time this fight will set up the rest of the other guys in time.
井上は好きなんだけど、それでもやっぱりね…👎 アメリカ
As much as I like Inoue👎
A nice little tune up. Given how good his opposition has been recently, I think he deserves 1 easy fight.
Who is he supposed to fight at 122?
┗ ムロジョン・アフマダリエフだよ!Sバンタム級で最高のカードだよ。
MJ‼️‼️‼️‼️ that is the best fight at 122
MJ‼️‼️‼️‼️ that is the best fight at 122
┗ カシメロと戦え。 フィリピン (※同じようなコメントがカシメロ信者から多数寄せられていますが、この一つのみ取り上げます)
ドヘニーに勝ったサム・グッドマンがやるべきでしょ。 オーストラリア
Should’ve been @samgoodman58 he already beat Doheny
Should have taken his mandatory. Love Inoue but champs not taking mandatories is an epidemic.
┗ 井上には3人の指名挑戦者がいて、最初はグッドマンが列に並んだが、その後グッドマンはまだ戦いたくないと言い、次に手を上げたのがTJ(ドヘニー)だった。井上はドヘニーと交渉を始めて交渉が終わる頃になって、MJ(アフマダリエフ)も指名挑戦者としてWBAから対戦指令が来たという流れ。そもそもの原因はグッドマンが口を出しておいて、それを実行しなかったから(笑)
he had 3 mandatories Goodman was first in line but didn't want it yet then it was TJ who was next in line so inoue started talks and as he was finishing MJ was ordered to be his mandatory as well so he's basically juggling trying to fight all his mandatories without getting stripped because Goodman wanted to talk shit and not back it up lmao
he had 3 mandatories Goodman was first in line but didn't want it yet then it was TJ who was next in line so inoue started talks and as he was finishing MJ was ordered to be his mandatory as well so he's basically juggling trying to fight all his mandatories without getting stripped because Goodman wanted to talk shit and not back it up lmao
四団体統一戦のままなの?ということは、結局WBAは彼を剥奪しないのか。 アフマダリエフの方がずっと良いな。ドヘニーはキャリアはあるけど今の段階ではトップ10の端っこの選手だ。
For undisputed? So I guess the WBA isn't stripping him after all. Would much prefer Akhmadaliev. Doheny is a fringe top 10 guy at this point in his career.
┗ 元IBF世界スーパーバンタム級王者だよ。日本で岩佐亮佑を破りタイトルを獲得し、その後アメリカで日本人選手を相手に防衛戦に成功、しかし次のWBA王者ダニエル・ローマンとの統一戦で敗れた。(ローマンは後にアフマダリエフにタイトルを奪われ、アフマダリエフはタパレスに奪われ、タパレスは井上に奪われた)。
Former IBF world super bantamweight titlist. Won the title against Ryosuke Iwasa in Japan, then defended it against a Japanese fighter in the US, then lost in a unification bid against WBA champion Danny Roman (Roman later lost the belts to Akhmadaliev, who lost them to Tapales, who lost them to Inoue). He has won his last 3 fights, all in Japan, so he is a bit of a villain there.
Former IBF world super bantamweight titlist. Won the title against Ryosuke Iwasa in Japan, then defended it against a Japanese fighter in the US, then lost in a unification bid against WBA champion Danny Roman (Roman later lost the belts to Akhmadaliev, who lost them to Tapales, who lost them to Inoue). He has won his last 3 fights, all in Japan, so he is a bit of a villain there.
first fight I will not be waking up early to see from inoue.
This going to be an easy fight for Inoue. Doheny past his prime😅
Can’t say I’m interested by this matchup whatsoever. Just feels like a showcase for Inoue.
another uber driver opponent
I like Inoue staying active. This is what top fighters need to do.
this as a tune up/confidence booster fight
ドヘニーに対して何も悪く言うつもりはないけど、フルトンやネリ戦のように早起きしてライブで見ることはないだろう。 こういう試合ははやく終わりそうな気がする。アフマダリエフとの試合の方がずっと良い試合になっただろうけど、それはまだ12月か来年初めに実現する可能性があるから待つことにするよ。
Nothing against Doheny, but likely will not wake up early and watch live like I did for Fulton and Nery. Feel like such a fight will be short lived. Akhmadaliev would had been a much better bout though it could still happen in December or early next year.
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