今回紹介するのは、日本在住のイギリス人人気YouTuberクリスさん(Abroad in Japan)が、2019年当時、自転車で日本縦断している途中に松山市を訪れた際、ガイド役を務める地元の日本人女性「カズ」さんと共に松山市内の名所を紹介している映像です。
■映像 16分18秒 2019/04/08公開
4:20~松山城 10:40~道後温泉
4:20~松山城 10:40~道後温泉
この映像を見た外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 youtube1 )
松山はなんて美しい街なんでしょう!この動画を視聴できてよかった。私は松山のことを知らなかったけど、今では私の行きたい場所リストに加わったわ! ブラジル
such a beautiful city! I'm glad I found this video because I never heard of Matsuyama and now it is in my bucketlist!
なんてことなの!私は四国に住んでいたの!とても良いところよ。ここで再び見られて懐かしいわ。 フィリピン
Omg! I lived in Shikoku! I loved it. Seeing it again here is so nostalgic.
lucky that he knows someone who could introduce him to such a charming guide!
Wow, 30 seconds and I am majorly crushing on Kazu. You lucked out! She would make even the most dreary day seem sunny.
New subscriber here!! Thank you for showing us around Matsuyama bro! Hoping to visit Japan real soon! ️
She is surprisingly not like I expect a Japanese woman to be.
┗ まあ、彼女はしばらくヨーロッパに住んでいたからね。
Well she did live in Europe for some time.
Well she did live in Europe for some time.
Now thats some stunning scenery.
Love the contrast between the description of a historically meaningful castle that has impeccable view of the city AND the ocean to Chris's apparent expertise on yakitori
Yo I just finished re-watching Spirited Away and this comes up
Orange juice from tap what else you need.
8:38 そんな発言(※「オレンジジュースは歯に悪い」)をしたのはイギリス人では君が初めてだ。
8:38 The first ever English man to say such a thing
how fitting that a cat made an appearance whilst you were just talking about Natsuke Sōseki, as one of his most famous books, I Am a Cat is written from the perspective of a cat ^^
私は1999年頃に今治に住んでいて、当時の皇太子徳仁殿下(現在の天皇陛下)と雅子様が、しまなみ海道の開通式に出席されたのを目撃できたよ!3月にまた再訪する予定、特に道後温泉で午後のひとときを過ごせるのが楽しみ! オーストラリア
I lived in Imabari back in 1999, even got to see Prince Naruhito (now Emperor Naruhito) and Princess Masako open the Shimanami Kaido!Heading back for a visit in March. Can't wait, especially for an afternoon at Dogo Onsen!
あれ、松山は日本で最初に訪れた場所の一つだったよ。私のフィアンセがその地域の出身なんだ。君がその場所を探索しているのを見るのは、ちょっと非現実的な気分で楽しいな! アメリカ
Ah Matsuyama, one of the first places Id been too in Japan, my fiance is from that area. Kinda surreal and fun to see you explore it!
Love that Edo tech
They aren't oranges, they are mandarins.
This series makes me wanna go on a cycle across Japan too. The scenery is so beautiful!
This is the kind of quality production I would expect from the BBC.
You really lucked out to have such a delightful guide. Thanks for the great vid, as usual!
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