— スポーツニッポン新聞社(スポニチ)【公式】 (@sponichiannex) July 20, 2024
WATCH: Filipino boxer Vincent Astrolabio winces in pain after Japanese fighter Junto Nakatani strikes his abdomen in the 1st round of the WBC bantamweight title fight in Tokyo Saturday. Nakatani retains his WBC crown.
— BusinessMirror (@BusinessMirror) July 20, 2024
📹 TopRank Boxing pic.twitter.com/WRzUYny9jl
この試合について外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1 、 ringtv1 、 instagram1 、 X1 、 boxingscene1 、2、boxingnews241、2)
What a body shot!!
Mane that was a beautiful body shot ,,,,,,,,,,,,, my fav finish in the sport ......
Nakatani is a monster. No way around it. Perfect body shot right to the breadbasket.🥊
I bet that shot hit the nerve behind the navel, and he felt it right in his bladder.
Filipino boxers don’t have that fire no more
Congratulations Nakatani from the 🇵🇭
Is Nakatani great or Astrolabio a weak ass?
┗ 両方とも正解かもしれない。
Two things can be true at the same time.....
Two things can be true at the same time.....
Another Filipino bum knocked out cold with a body shot.
Nakatani is too strong in bantam🗿
A devastating body blow, perfectly executed. That was a statement win by Nakatani.
Nakatani justifying his P4P inclusion.
Nakatani is a beast. Hi resume is a highlight reel of devastating KOs.
im in the west coast and stayed up til almost 5 for a fight that didnt even last a rd 😂
This some bs i really stayed up this late for a 1st round body KO 🤦🏻♂️
┗ どちらも打ち合おうとしない退屈な12ラウンドの試合よりはマシだよ。
beats a boring 12 round fight where both guys aren't throwing..
beats a boring 12 round fight where both guys aren't throwing..
Damn, great card. Worth staying up all night.
アストロラビオのコーチ、ノノイ・ネリは「中谷のパンチはそれほど強くない」とか言っていたね(笑) このフィリピン人コーチはリングにはいなかったけど、あの試合では彼もグロッキーになった一人だと想う😂。
Nonoy Neri the coach of Astrolabio says Nakatani's punch wasn't that hard. Lol this filipino coach wasn't there in the ring but I think he was the one got groggy in that fight 😂
バム(※WBC世界Sフライ級王者ジェシー・ロドリゲスの愛称) vs 潤人 を2026年早々にでも実現させて🔥
Bam vs Junto early 2026 🔥
┗ バムは3回も彼の対戦から逃げている。
bam ducked him 3x
bam ducked him 3x
中谷潤人 vs バムの勝者がモンスターに挑戦だ🙌
The winner of Junto Nakatani vs ban will challenge the monster🙌
Junto vs bam i got junto
Anybody know if he called out little Inoue or big Inoue
┗ 井上拓真の方に間違いないと思うけど。
I’m pretty sure Takuma Inoue
I’m pretty sure Takuma Inoue
┗ 実際、両者に声をかけているよ。
both actually
both actually
┗ 彼はどちらとも対戦を要望しているが、おそらく自分の階級にいる弟から始めるんだろう。
he wants em both. probably starting with lil bro whos in his division.
he wants em both. probably starting with lil bro whos in his division.
中谷はSバンタムに階級を上げるべきだ。他団体のバンタム級王者では全て彼の餌食になる。バンタムで4団体統一を目指すのは筋が通らない。なぜなら他のチャンピオンは全員彼の国、日本の選手だからだ。 フィリピン
Move up to 122. All other 118lbs champs will be just his food. Becoming an undisputed to 118lbs doesn't make sense since all champs are his countrymen.
┗ なぜ同胞かどうかが問題になるのか。それぞれがその階級最高を目指して戦うということなら、筋は通っているよね。 香港
Why does it matter if they're countrymen? If they're the best in the division, it makes sense.
Why does it matter if they're countrymen? If they're the best in the division, it makes sense.
Reminiscent of Dalton's KO over Zepeda. Astrolabio's midsection is so wide open that he's pretty much inviting those straight body punches.
今回はマジで早かった… 潤人はラウンドのほとんどをじっくり探ってから、****(※禁止単語と思われる伏せ字)した。完璧なパンチの当て方だった。アストロラビオはあの状態から立ち上がろうとしただけでも勇敢だと思う。
Now that was fkn quick... Junto patiently probed for most of the round then ****. Perfect placement. Astrolabio was brave to even try to get to his feet.
Sheesh...time to go to bed for the day. It's been a long night. I guess I should be happy it ended early.
when naoya vs junto happens someones getting knocked out 💯
井上尚弥がドラゴンボールの悟空だとしたら、中谷はベジータ(笑) 😅🔥
Inoue is Goku, and Nakatani is Vegeta haha 😅🔥
中谷 vs 井上(尚弥)の対戦は実現させなければならないし実現すると思う・・・そうしたら素晴らしい試合になるね。甘やかされて臆病なアメリカ人ファイターたちのどんな試合よりもいい。
Nakatani vs Inoue has to happen & i think it will .. what a fight. Better than anything these pampered & coward American fighters got going on
現在のボクシング界は日本が最高だ。 フィリピン
Japan is the best in boxing nowadays
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