わずかな動作で命拾い トランプ氏、銃撃を回顧―米メディアhttps://t.co/gZSGOeOopC
— 時事ドットコム(時事通信ニュース) (@jijicom) July 15, 2024
トランプ氏、党大会で団結訴えへ バイデン政権批判から変更(共同通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
上の画像を見た外国人ユーザーの英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 X1 、 reddit1 )The bullet path. pic.twitter.com/uVmKBSt2d9
— Creepy.org (@creepydotorg) July 15, 2024
That’s literally as close as it gets.
It’s insane how one unconscious head movement saved his life
That was my first thought watching replays of him turn his head. it was insanely close.
Trump will be tilting his head 10 times as often from now on.
One centimeter and the world changes.
I feel like this is one of those points where the universe splits off into 2 separate outcomes
┗ そう、まさに私もそう思っていた。一つの宇宙は私たちが住んでいる世界。そしてもう一つの宇宙はトランプが実際にいなくなった世界。あちら側の宇宙がどうなっているのかを本当に見てみたいよ。
Omg yes! I was seriously thinking that. One universe is ours. Another universe was one that trump actually died. I really want to see what that universe becomes.
Omg yes! I was seriously thinking that. One universe is ours. Another universe was one that trump actually died. I really want to see what that universe becomes.
┗ うわぁ。こっち側に閉じ込められたのは本当に嫌だな
Ugh. I hate that I got stuck here.
Ugh. I hate that I got stuck here.
┗ そう思うなら君が自分自身の存在を、別の現実にシフトすればいい。 Then shift yourself into another reality.
┗ 真面目な話、私たちが良い結末にいるのか、それとも悪い結末にいるのか本当に知りたい。
Seriously would like to know whether we are in the good outcome or the evil outcome
Seriously would like to know whether we are in the good outcome or the evil outcome
┗ 正直、我々がいるトランプのいる世界のほうより良い結果を得られたと思う。トランプがいない世界であれば狙撃手が誰であれ、何らかのゲリラ戦は避けられなかっただろうから。
Tbh we probably got the better deal. Would've guaranteed some kind of guerilla war regardless of who the shooter was
Tbh we probably got the better deal. Would've guaranteed some kind of guerilla war regardless of who the shooter was
┗ あるいは、誰かが時間旅行で過去に戻ったのかも 🤣
Or some one time traveled back 🤣
Or some one time traveled back 🤣
┗ 別の宇宙に行けたらよかったのに
I wish I was in the other universe
I wish I was in the other universe
┗ 別の宇宙では、現在内戦が起きている。
Other universe having a civil war rn
Other universe having a civil war rn
┗ 良い世界線に戻るには、電子レンジとスマホを使ってタイムマシンを作ればいい。
Just need to build a time machine with my microwave and my phone to get us back to the good world line
Just need to build a time machine with my microwave and my phone to get us back to the good world line
┗ 我々がシュミレーションの中にいるという説を否定するのはあり得ない。命中する0.3秒前に首を回転させるなんていう確率は、とんでもないほどに低い。
There's was no way we don't live in a simulation. The chances of that head turn 0.3 seconds before the shot landed is insane to me.
There's was no way we don't live in a simulation. The chances of that head turn 0.3 seconds before the shot landed is insane to me.
And some says , it's all staged
これで第二次内戦(南北戦争) が近づいてきた。なんてことだ。
This is how close we came to a 2nd civil war. Holy s**t.
あの時は、神が彼に味方したのだ。 そうでなければ、状況は悲惨なものになっていた。
The God was with him at that time. Otherwise, the situation would have been disastrous.
I still can’t believe the amazing outcome we got… Trump moving his head to the side, literally half a second difference shaped world history. Un-fucking-believable! Are we living in a simulation? It’s really starting to feel like it
The luckiest day of his life.
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