新千歳空港で不明のハサミ、店舗内で発見…保安検査やり直しで遅れ201便・欠航36便 : 読売新聞
2024/08/19 17:23
新千歳空港の "紛失ハサミ" 見つかる… 翌日従業員が店内で発見 消えた原因は不明 「保管管理体制が不十分だった」 Uターン直撃で空港大混乱 36便欠航 201便に遅れ 搭乗できず一夜明かす人も - 北海道ニュースUHB
同様の内容がイギリスBBCニュースで引用されて海外でも話題になっており、外国人ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1、 reddit1 )
Cancelling flights and creating fear and terror in passengers over a non-existent threat, over a pair of missing scissors, is absolutely ridiculous.
I’d rather a delay than a hijack.Greta to know they took it seriously.Better to not sell prohibited item in the airport!(※GretaはGreatのタイプミスト判断)
They made a decision after doing a risk assessment- no more to say really...
People laugh but their scissors like OLFA is sharp AF. It's not some cheap Fiskars crap either.
Japan airport security made me throw out scissors that were 10.1 cm long. The limit is 10cm. They take the rules very seriously.
私が航空業界で働いていたとき、この種の予防措置はFOD(Foreign Object Damage=異物損傷防止)として知られていたよ。
When I worked in the aircraft industry this type of precaution was known as prevention of FOD (Foreign Object Damage).
I put a little stuffed Pikachu in my hubbys travel bag as a joke when he was heading to Europe on a business trip and he was one of the folks asked to open luggage. Poor pikachu came within an inch of being destuffed......
Seems like an overreaction but it's impressive they track something like that closely enough to catch it
┗ 過剰反応というのは結果論からでしょう。もし誰かがハサミを手荷物に隠して、飛行中に刺し始めたら、みんなまったく逆のコメントをしていたはずだ。「なぜハサミが見つかるまでフライトを止めなかったんだ?」ってね。
It's only an overraction after the fact. If it had turned out someone had stuffed the scissors into their carryon and started stabbing people mid-flight everyone would be making the exact opposite comment. "Why didn't they hold the flights until they found the scissors?"
It's only an overraction after the fact. If it had turned out someone had stuffed the scissors into their carryon and started stabbing people mid-flight everyone would be making the exact opposite comment. "Why didn't they hold the flights until they found the scissors?"
┗ でもハサミが見つかる前にフライトを再開したんだよね。それと現代のコックピットの設計では、ハサミではハイジャックは不可能なはずだよ。 They resumed flights before they found the scissors. Also, with modern cockpit designs, you shouldn’t be able to hijack a plane with scissors
┗ 運行が再開された理由は、おそらくその時にいた乗客がターミナルを出て再度セキュリティチェックを受けたからだと思うけど。 I'm guessing the reason they did so is because passengers had to leave the terminal by that time and were rescreened.
Much ado about nothing. Metal knives are available in first class.
Oh shiiiit could you imagine being the person that lost the scissors and then found them 😱
┗ ADHD(注意欠如・多動症)を患っている愚かな自分が、物を持っている途中で気が散って、普段とは違う引き出しに入れてしまった後、それに気づいたような気持ちかな。
My ADHD ass after getting distracted while carrying an object and setting in a different drawer than normal.
My ADHD ass after getting distracted while carrying an object and setting in a different drawer than normal.
┗ それはADHDというよりは、人間なら誰もが持っている特性では。 This is not ADHD, it is human.
┗ 私は以前、アトランタのハーツフィールド空港で音響映像技術者のリーダーをしていた。私達の職場には、制服を着ていないセキュリティ担当者が定期的に巡回し、すべての工具が工具袋に収納され、乗客が手に取れるような場所に何も放置されていないことをチェックする体制になっていた。ところが、ある部下の技術者の1人が、作業中にドライバーを地面に置いていたら、3分も経たないうちにチェックを受けてセキュリティクリアランスを失うことになり、彼を解雇せざるを得なかった。空港ではこういったことは本当に厳しく扱われているよ。
I used to be a lead a/v tech at Hartsfield airport in Atlanta. We would have plain clothes security regularly come through job sites to make sure all tools were in their tool bags and nothing was left out in the open where passengers could grab them. One of my techs left a screw driver on the ground where he was working for less than 3 minutes and they revoked his security clearance and we had to fire him. They take this sorta shit very seriously.
I used to be a lead a/v tech at Hartsfield airport in Atlanta. We would have plain clothes security regularly come through job sites to make sure all tools were in their tool bags and nothing was left out in the open where passengers could grab them. One of my techs left a screw driver on the ground where he was working for less than 3 minutes and they revoked his security clearance and we had to fire him. They take this sorta shit very seriously.
┗ はっきりと確認させて。よくよく考えてみると、盗まれたわけじゃなくて、単に店の棚から落ちただけなんだよね?
Let me get this straight. It didn't even got stolen it basically just fall off the shelf in the store?
Let me get this straight. It didn't even got stolen it basically just fall off the shelf in the store?
Cutting edge comedy!
I wonder how many people have just checked their calender. Or is it a delayed April Fools jest?
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日頃日本の治安がいいと称賛してる外人たちは、ここまでの厳格な規律があるからこそ日本は安全な社会を構築してるんだと、なぜ分からない? 安全なのはいいけど、じぶんだけは規制を緩くしてね、か? お前ら、二度と日本に来るなよ。