今永昇太6連勝!7回無失点で15勝目、悪天候で2時間20分遅延も影響なし 松坂に並ぶメジャー1年目での15勝(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN) - Yahoo!ニュース ■MLB カブス 5ー0 ナショナルズ(日本時間23日、イリノイ州シカゴ、リグリー・フィールド)
この試合の今永の先発登板後の反応について、カブスファンなど外国人と思われるコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 Facebook1 、2、 instagram1 、 X1 、bleedcubbieblue.com1、northsidebaseball.com1)【 #カブス 】#今永昇太 今季15勝目おめでとう🎉 今日のナショナルズ戦で7回無失点無四球4奪三振の好投を見せ、5対0での快勝を呼び込みました!!これで自身4連勝で9月は負けなし、防御率は2.91となっています🔥#日本人選手情報 pic.twitter.com/o2Gq6Vk6W2
— MLB Japan (@MLBJapan) September 22, 2024
Great show Shota & Busch!! Woohoo! 🎉
He’s been fantastic!!
Shota has been better than any of us hoped for. He’s only had a couple of terrible starts, and he’s regularly pitched as deep as guys go these days. He’s so damn efficient, and he’s fun to watch because he looks like he’s having fun out there on the field.
Congratulations on a great first year with the Cubbies.
Shota is money. As much as Arietta was at his peak. At the end of the year Shota is probably our (positive) story of the year.
┗ 昇太が素晴らしい話題をもたらしているのはその通りだけど、全盛期のアリエッタとは同じレベルではないよ。
カブスにいた頃の2014年から2016年までのアリエッタは、17.4 WAR(BBRef)をカブスにもたらしたしたし、2015年にサイ・ヤング賞とMVP6位になったときには8.3 WARの驚異的な数字を残していたからね。
As much as Shota has been a fantastic story, he's not in the same ballpark as Arrieta at his peak. From 2014 to 2016, Arrieta gave the Cubs 17.4 WAR (BBRef), including a gigantic 8.3 WAR in 2015, a Cy Young award and a 6th place finish for league MVP.
カブスにいた頃の2014年から2016年までのアリエッタは、17.4 WAR(BBRef)をカブスにもたらしたしたし、2015年にサイ・ヤング賞とMVP6位になったときには8.3 WARの驚異的な数字を残していたからね。
As much as Shota has been a fantastic story, he's not in the same ballpark as Arrieta at his peak. From 2014 to 2016, Arrieta gave the Cubs 17.4 WAR (BBRef), including a gigantic 8.3 WAR in 2015, a Cy Young award and a 6th place finish for league MVP.
┗ そうだね、自分が生きている間では、全盛期のジェイクに匹敵する選手はいないね。あれは本当に圧巻だったよ。 Yeah no one in my lifetime has matched up with peak Jake. That was something to behold.
Shota Imanaga has now allowed 56 earned runs in 173.1 innings pitched over 29 games. But 18% of those runs (10 runs) came in one disastrous 3 inning start against the Mets when he could not get higher than 89 at all on the radar gun--had absolutely nothing. So if you look at the other 28 games (including several others with abbreviated starts due to weather), he has an ERA of 2.39. Aaron Sale, presumably the Cy Young winner this year, is the current NL leader at 2.38. Have to give the Cubs credit for being careful with Imanaga throughout the season, managing his transition from his time in Japan, so that he wasn't worn out. That one start against the Mets was a major aberration but it was the only time I can think of all year where he had absolutely zero stuff from the outset.
15-3 W-L record for a Rookie is insane. Rookie of the Year for sure.
Hes been better than Skeenes this year
The real rookie of the year not some guy who can only go 5 innings and will need TJS very soon
┗ スキーンズのほうが明らかに優れたピッチャーでしょ。 カブスファン
Skenes is a better pitcher period
Skenes is a better pitcher period
Kinda nuts that a pitcher going 15-3 with a sub-3.00 ERA won’t win ROTY, but here we are
(※米スポーツメディア) もしも、今回がポール・スキーンズの今年最後の先発登板だったら、防御率1.99で終わることになるだろう 歴史的に素晴らしいルーキーシーズンを過ごしている。
If this was Paul Skenes final start of the year, he will end with a 1.99 ERA
— Barstool Baseball (@StoolBaseball) September 22, 2024
Historically great Rookie season pic.twitter.com/TpDNJe2RyG
┗ 残念ながら今永昇太は15勝3敗、防御率2.91でも新人王レースに勝てそうにないね。
Too bad Shota Imanaga’s 15-3 record and 2.91 ERA won’t win him ROY
Too bad Shota Imanaga’s 15-3 record and 2.91 ERA won’t win him ROY
It is so much fun to watch Shota pitch. His personality shines so bright when he pitches and makes for a great connection to the fanbase. Hopefully he gets one more turn, pitches like today and gives the Cubs fans one last good memory to take into the winter.
Should have AT LEAST 20 wins already.
If not for 2 bad starts, Imanaga would be front runner for cy young award right now.
He has been great to have on the team please don’t think about trading him
My hero !
これでカブスは今シーズン、ナショナル戦の勝ち越し決定 昇太がカブスのチームMVPだね。あとは連勝で今シーズンを締めくくって86勝で終わろう。今年叶わなかったプレーオフ進出は来年に果たそう。ゴー、カブス!
Cubs Win season series over the Nationals. Shota is the MVP of this Cubs team. Now, just finish the season with a winning streak and get to 86 wins. Next year this team will be in the playoffs. Go Cubs!!
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別ページに移動します5 件のコメント
今永30歳 15勝3敗(規定投球回)2.91
スキーンズ22歳 11勝3敗(規定投球圏外)1.99