米大リーグのプレーオフは、ナ・リーグの地区シリーズ第2戦が行われ、#パドレス の #ダルビッシュ はドジャース戦に先発し、7回3安打1失点、3奪三振と好投し、勝利投手となりました。
— 時事通信社写真部 (@jiji_shashinbu) October 7, 2024
記事はこちら→【ねじ伏せたダルビッシュ 大谷にも「完勝」】https://t.co/NXL1ts3i0b pic.twitter.com/Ql1LWisvbx
ダルビッシュのピッチングを中心に現地のパドレスファンなど外国人と思われるコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1 、 instagram1 、 X1)日本を代表する2人 #ダルビッシュ有 と #大谷翔平 がポストシーズン初の直接対決⚔️
— MLB Japan (@MLBJapan) October 7, 2024
今日は好投のダルビッシュが大谷を3打数0安打に封じました⚾#ポストシーズン2024#日本人選手情報 pic.twitter.com/i4zZQlXUEZ
Great outing by Yu!
Great job Darvish 🔥👏❤️
Yu Darvish is truly a pitcher man. Dude plays the game. He not out there throwing he’s playinh chess.
Just what the doctor ordered! Plus awesome defense!
He showed how to pitch and dominate the Dodgers, including Ohtani. Complete team win tonight!
Greatest Darvish performance ever as a Padre hands down 🔥
ダルビッシュ有が大谷に対して5球投じて種三振を奪った場面。 5種類の球種:カッター、カーブ、スイーパー、速球、スライダー。
Yu Darvish's 5 Pitch K vs. Ohtani.
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) October 7, 2024
5 Different Pitches: Cutter, Curve, Sweeper, Fastball & Slider. pic.twitter.com/GXzXGwK2HS
┗ 今まで見た中で最もクールなオーバーレイ。
That's the coolest overlay I've seen yet
That's the coolest overlay I've seen yet
┗ ユウの見事な技量を示したピッチング。どのピッチャーも翔平に対してこうやって投げようとするだろうけど、ユウほどうまく投げられる人はいないだろうね。
Masterful pitching by Yu. This is how they are all gonna try to pitch Shohei, though not all will be as good at it as Yu.
Masterful pitching by Yu. This is how they are all gonna try to pitch Shohei, though not all will be as good at it as Yu.
┗ ダルビッシュ有はMLBの詩人だ。
Yu Darvish, MLB’s poet.
Yu Darvish, MLB’s poet.
┗ この動画は、ダルビッシュ有がいかに現代野球最高クラスの先発投手でありつづけているのかを、完璧に示しているかもしれない
This might be the perfect representation of how Yu Darvish has managed to be one of the most dominant starters of this generation.
This might be the perfect representation of how Yu Darvish has managed to be one of the most dominant starters of this generation.
Yu Darvish, 95mph ⛽️ pic.twitter.com/rGJsCTBILx
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) October 7, 2024
┗ ムーキーが振り遅れている。
Mookie was late.
Mookie was late.
┗ 95マイルは基本的にリーグの平均速度だけど、8種類の球種を持っているピッチャーにとっては、より効果的になる。
95 is basically league average, but for a guy with 8 pitches it plays up. 95 certainly isn't gas.
95 is basically league average, but for a guy with 8 pitches it plays up. 95 certainly isn't gas.
When you throw so many off speed pitches and can then spend someone up with a heater you become unhittable. Darvish is such a joy to watch pitch it’s just a shame about all the injuries he’s suffered
When you throw so many off speed pitches and can then spend someone up with a heater you become unhittable. Darvish is such a joy to watch pitch it’s just a shame about all the injuries he’s suffered
ドジャースが負けるのを見るよりも心が温まる出来事はない。LAはロサンゼルの略ではなく「Lost Again=また負けた」の略だね😜
Nothing warms my heart more than watching the Dodgers lose. LA stands for Lost Again 😜
As a yankees fan, thank you @padres
Demigod performance!
Darvish owns the Dodgers
Masterful performance against an incredibly tough lineup.
Amazing performance! Healthy darvish is so dangerous!
Absolutely love Yu!!! Darvish was 🔥
I’ve seen enough. Build the Darvish statue.
The Yu we needed 🔥👏
He’s been so good for so long. Still one of my favorite pitchers
Things are getting heated at Dodger Stadium. pic.twitter.com/hfIWFoouiG
— FOX Sports: MLB (@MLBONFOX) October 7, 2024
┗ ダルビッシュ有の試合の流れを台無しにしてしまった。 パドレスファン
Just only ruined Yu Darvish game 👎🏻
Just only ruined Yu Darvish game 👎🏻
ドジャースファンが外野に物を投げる品のない行為で中断された。ダルビッシュが素晴らしいピッチングをしているのに、彼の肩は冷えてしまい、再び温めるために余計な投球を強いられ、これでおそらく完投勝利を達成するのが難しくなったのだろう。 ロッキーズファン
Classless act from the @Dodgers fans throwing objects at the outfield. Darvish throwing a gem and now he’s being iced, forced to throw more pitches to stay warm and probably won’t be able to close out the CG
Classy Dodger fans 👏😂
Thank you Bogarts and Merrill for responding to the classy fans in LA
┗ 彼らを黙らせて早く家に帰らせた。乱暴なファンへの対応としては、それがベストだよ。
Shut them up and sent them home early. Thats all you can do to respond to unruly fans.
Shut them up and sent them home early. Thats all you can do to respond to unruly fans.
Nite nite Dodger fans
Darvish, you were golden tonight! Thank you for supporting our boys so well! 💛⚾️🤎
He out of everyone deserves it. Especially at the Dodger Stadium after how he was treated in 2017.
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