菅野 智之投手、オリオールズへようこそ!
— Baltimore Orioles (@Orioles) December 17, 2024
Welcome to the O’s, Tomoyuki! pic.twitter.com/MghW5OIpIF
以下、海外の反応(引用翻訳元 facebook1 、 instagram1 、 X1 )Watch new @Orioles pitcher Tomoyuki Sugano dominate MLB All-Stars in the 2017 World Baseball Classic 👀 pic.twitter.com/vyZGdTAxjM
— MLB (@MLB) December 17, 2024
Welcome, Tomoyuki! I am so happy the Orioles were able to sign a proven ace pitcher like you. I look forward to cheering for you and watching your six-pitch mix.
Just what the Orioles needed—another MVP from a completely different league.
Bro he’s 35 with declining velocity, I’m happy but don’t know how I feel at the same time
He's 35 years OLD !
┗ バーランダーは38歳でサイヤング賞を獲得したし、昨季のダルビッシュは38歳で圧倒的なピッチングも見せていたよね。
Verlander won a Cy Young at 38. Darvish was dominant last year at 38.
Verlander won a Cy Young at 38. Darvish was dominant last year at 38.
┗ ノーラン・ライアンのことを忘れてしまったの?彼は40代までプレーしてたし、ロジャー・クレメンスもそうだよ。しかも今は1897年ではない。今の時代、35歳はそんなに年寄りじゃないだろ……大人になれよ。
have we forgotten Nolan Ryan? He played into his 40s So did Roger Clemens It’s not 1897 35 isn’t that old this day and age…. Grow up
have we forgotten Nolan Ryan? He played into his 40s So did Roger Clemens It’s not 1897 35 isn’t that old this day and age…. Grow up
He was MVP last year !🤦♂️
He went 15-3 last year with a sub 2 era and was the MVP of his league last year. It’s a one year deal. Sounds good to me! Stop hating O’s fans.
┗ 彼のコマンド能力は完璧。菅野とエフリンで、野球界で最高のコマンドを持つ投手を2人持つことになるよ。
His command is impeccable. We’ll have 2 of the best command pitchers in baseball with Such gain and Efflin
His command is impeccable. We’ll have 2 of the best command pitchers in baseball with Such gain and Efflin
I was confused too…go look at his stats and now come back
2017年の映像って..... おいおい今は2024年だよ。しかも彼がメジャーで投げるのは2025年からだし...
2017..... bro, were in 2024. And he won't pitch in the mlb until 2025..
I like it. Let’s see if he can do it in the MLB against the best.
Everyone he struck out in this video is retired or close to it. Tell me why I should be excited.
┗ コマンド能力だね!!彼とエフリンがその点では最高だ。
Command!! He and Efflin are the best at it.
Command!! He and Efflin are the best at it.
So the orioles got a pitcher with an 8 year old highlight reel
He still slots behind Kremer. Get a high quality starter or don't make the playoffs.
All Asian players have such similar mechanics. And all other players mechanics are all over the place. Why is that?
┗ たぶんアジアの選手たちは同じ基礎を教え込まれてるんだろうけど、アメリカの選手たちは「自分のスタイルを見つけろ」って感じなんだろうな。
They're probably taught the same fundamentals while American players are like just go find your own style of play.
They're probably taught the same fundamentals while American players are like just go find your own style of play.
Only issue will be the velocity. He tops out around 92. That means he can't really throw it by you and hitters can sit on his off speed pitches.
┗ 平均球速で92マイルくらいでしょ。
he averages 92
he averages 92
┗ マダックスの速球だって92マイルを超えたことはなかったよ。
Maddux’s fastball never topped 92
Maddux’s fastball never topped 92
Sagano could influence Sasaki’s decision to sign with the O’s
Everyone say hello to the new best friend of Roki Sasaki.
Low risk. Take the flyer. Worst case scenario he’d be one of the best bullpen arms in MLB.
the second coming of koji uehara
Let’s Oriole fans hope that his stuff is still there.
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