今永昇太、デビューから9試合先発で防御率0・84は歴代1位!7回無失点で歴史的快進撃は続く - MLB : 日刊スポーツ▼SPOTVNOW公式、ハイライト映像
【7回を投げて無失点!今永昇太 投球ダイジェスト】MLB2024シーズン パイレーツ vs カブス 5.19
この試合の今永についてカブスファンなどの外国人ユーザー、海外メディアのコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 X1 、 facebook1、2、 、 instagram1 )
Imanaga’s 0.84 ERA is the lowest of any starting pitcher (excluding openers) through their first nine career starts in @MLB history since ER became a stat in 1913 🔥 pic.twitter.com/tkI8sXEQhQ
— Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) May 18, 2024
┗ 彼は最高。
He's him
He's him
┗ ここまでの今永の活躍は素晴らしいとしか言いようがない。
It’s been nothing short of impressive what Imanaga has been doing.
It’s been nothing short of impressive what Imanaga has been doing.
┗ これはとんでもない数字、自責点が2しかないのが本当にあり得ない。
Crazy, considering he had 2 ER that never should have happened.
Crazy, considering he had 2 ER that never should have happened.
┗ 今の時点ではサイ・ヤング昇太だ。
Cy Young Shota at this point of the season.
Cy Young Shota at this point of the season.
┗ 信じられないくらいすごい。どんなに興奮したカブスファンでも、このようなスタートをきるとは夢にも思わなかっただろう。
Pretty incredible. Even the most excited Cubs fan couldn’t have dreamed this type of start.
Pretty incredible. Even the most excited Cubs fan couldn’t have dreamed this type of start.
┗ あとは味方打線が得点さえしてくれれば。
Now only if we can score :)
Now only if we can score :)
┗ 我々は本当に彼を必要としていた。先ほど1-0で勝ったが、このように勝つにはこういうピッチングが必要だ😭、
We really needed him, we need to pitch like this just to win 1-0 right now😭
We really needed him, we need to pitch like this just to win 1-0 right now😭
┗ 私は毎朝、今永昇太がシカゴ・カブスにいることを神に感謝しながら目覚めるよ。
I wake up every morning and thank God that Shota Imanaga is a Chicago Cub.
I wake up every morning and thank God that Shota Imanaga is a Chicago Cub.
Imanaga is so much fun to watch! Glad he is finding success as a Cubs pitcher!
Incredible! Too bad he didn’t get the W!!!
That up and in fastball is nasty!
De que planeta es este tipo 😍
I wanna see 21 strikeouts in a game
This guy is a machine. I cannot believe how good he is. I keep thinking this can’t last, but he just keeps mowing down everyone.
I would love to see him break Kerry Wood's strikeout record
(※参考ニュース)カブス殿堂に元右腕ウッド氏 デビュー年に1試合20奪三振 日刊スポーツ ウッド氏は1995年のドラフト全体4位で指名されてカブスに入団。98年のデビューから5試合目となる5月6日のアストロズ戦で1試合20奪三振をマークした。
He would be 7-0 or better if the offense would score when he pitches. Offense needs to pick it up. Nice win though
彼の素晴らしいとところは「成功するにはみんな96+ mphの速球が必要だ」という野球ファンたちの考え方に真っ向から対立しているところ。打者を出し抜く知恵とピンポイントのコントロールに代わるものはない。
What I love about this guy is he is a direct opposition to the pro "everyone needs a 96+ mph fastball to be successful" crowd. There is no substitute to out-thinking hitters and pinpoint accuracy.
Shota is a gem. What a pitcher. Grateful we have him. 🔥⚾️
We need three more just like him!!
9-0 If he had some run support.
Shōta Imanaga says the only time he really goes out anywhere is to get his latte from Dunkin Donuts:
— Cubs Zone (@CubsZone) May 18, 2024
“Either I order a small iced latte or medium so they probably think this guy can’t make up his mind if he wants a small or a medium.” 😭
(📸: @WatchMarquee) pic.twitter.com/cZPGGVoYMk
┗ 彼は素晴らしい😭😭
He’s awesome😭😭
He’s awesome😭😭
┗ この男が大好きだ(笑)この街に馴染んできたら、もっといろんなところを見て回れるようになるといいね!
Lol, love this dude. Hopefully he’s able to branch out and see more of the city too as he gets more comfortable here!
Lol, love this dude. Hopefully he’s able to branch out and see more of the city too as he gets more comfortable here!
┗ 私たちシカゴ市民は彼を案内して、彼にふさわしい友好的な歓迎をしてあげる必要があるね!
Us Chicagoans need to show him around and give him the friendly welcome he deserves!!
Us Chicagoans need to show him around and give him the friendly welcome he deserves!!
┗ なんてことだ。彼は私と同じことを考えている。
Oh my god he’s just like me fr
Oh my god he’s just like me fr
┗ ダンキンのコマーシャルにこの男を起用しよう。
Get this guy a Dunkin commercial
Get this guy a Dunkin commercial
Shota Imanaga bows to the home plate umpire each time he receives a new ball as a sign of respect pic.twitter.com/JdiqtCUQB8
— Talkin’ Baseball (@TalkinBaseball_) May 18, 2024
┗ 日本人は素晴らしい。とても礼儀正しい。
The Japanese are great people. Very respectful.
The Japanese are great people. Very respectful.
┗ 私は日本人選手の全てが大好きだよ。野球の神様も同じように考えているだろう。
I love everything about Japanese players. Love em. So do the gods of baseball.
I love everything about Japanese players. Love em. So do the gods of baseball.
┗ うん、近いうちに『熱狂的な昇太マニア』みたいなアカウントが出てくるだろう。彼の活躍ならそれにふさわしいね。 レンジャーズファン
Yeah, we’re gonna see “shota enthusiast” type accounts soon, he deserves them.
Yeah, we’re gonna see “shota enthusiast” type accounts soon, he deserves them.
カブスが彼と契約したのはうらやましい。ヤンキースと契約してくれたら良かったのに。 ヤンキースファン
I'm jealous the cubs signed him, wish the Yankees would have.
今永は今オフ、レッズに最も獲得してもらいたいと思っていた選手だ。彼は元々はフライボール率が高いというデータがあるし、問題になるかもしれないと考えていたが、実際は本当に素晴らしい投手だ。彼のフライボール率が問題にならなくてよかった。 CINレッズファン
Imanaga was the player I most wanted the Reds to pursue this offseason. He had a high fly ball rate that I thought might prove problematic, but he's seriously a great pitcher. I'm happy his fly ball rate never materialized into an issue
I NEED to see Shōta in person at some point this season
I am absolutely honored to have Imanaga as a Cub!
He’s on 🔥. Gotta support him from the offensive side. Go Chicago Cubs!
We are literally witnessing history. Enjoy the ride
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