5万730人が大興奮 大谷翔平「53-55」同点弾→ベッツのサヨナラ弾、スタジアムが揺れた(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース
9/23(月) 8:03配信
大谷の53号を中心に、外国人ユーザーと思われるコメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 facebook1 、 instagram1 、 X1 )SHOHEI TIES IT, MOOKIE ENDS IT! pic.twitter.com/41S4RcXCru
— Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers) September 22, 2024
Goatani and mookie turning on a 101 heater!
Back to Back for the win!!!
This is why we watch til the end!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Unreal, like a Manga.
Such more than just a win… momentum and a mental gain by climbing back
I had a feeling Ohtani will hit that Hr to tie it
Literally every time I open this app, Ohtani has another homer.
ムーキーは大谷の影に隠れがちだったけど、このサヨナラホームランで彼が勝利をもたらしてくれて嬉しいよ 💙💙
Mookie was getting overshadowed by Ohtani. Im glad he got this win 💙💙
┗ チームメイトの間で健全で良性で友好的な競争が行われることで、これらのスター選手たちの力を最高まで引き上げるんだね!
healthy, benign and friendly competition between teammates brings the best out of these stars and players!!!!
healthy, benign and friendly competition between teammates brings the best out of these stars and players!!!!
この試合を現地で目撃できたのは本当に最高の瞬間だった 🙏🏽
Being at the game to witness this was such a great moment 🙏🏽
Boys went crazy today
Do it in the postseason
I love how comfy Mookie is in the #2 spot!
Ohtani and Mookie Betts are the God of baseball!!!
大谷から発せられた「Let’s Go!!」の雄叫びは、おそらく今まで見た中で最も熱かったと思う。彼はポストシーズンの準備が整っている。
Probably the most fire you’ve seen from Ohtani’s “Let’s Go!!”. He’s post season ready.
┗ ベースを回る時にあんなに感情豊かになるのがいいね。まるで興奮した子供みたいに(笑)
love it when he is so animated running the bases he’s such an excited kid lol
love it when he is so animated running the bases he’s such an excited kid lol
MVP、MVP!!フレディが置いてきぼりにされた気分になりませんように 😆
MVP, MVP!! I hope Freddie doesnt feel left out 😆
He CAN drive 5⃣5⃣
— MLB (@MLB) September 22, 2024
Shohei Ohtani motors his way to another stolen base. pic.twitter.com/yAkNGUyGIW
┗ 盗塁した後にあんなにスムーズに立ち上がるのが印象的 😮
It's impressive that he stands up so smoothly after stealing the base 😮
It's impressive that he stands up so smoothly after stealing the base 😮
┗ 笑 彼は本気で60/60で終えるつもりだね。
lol he’s seriously going to finish to with a 60/60
lol he’s seriously going to finish to with a 60/60
┗ 好調のままなら60-60だ。
60-60 if he stays hot
(※ここでのコメントはいずれも53号を打つ前のもの)60-60 if he stays hot
Is Shohei going for 60????
┗ ありえない話じゃないけど、シーズンの最後には(ボールが飛ぶと言われる)コロラドで試合をするんだよね…
Improbable but he does get games in Colorado to close out the season…
Improbable but he does get games in Colorado to close out the season…
┗ 可能性はある、特に来週末にコロラドでプレーするからね。 ドジャースファン
there’s a possibility, specially playing in Colorado next weekend.
there’s a possibility, specially playing in Colorado next weekend.
┗ 60盗塁には到達するだろうけど、60本まではあと2、3本足りないかもしれない。ほんとうに驚異的な数字だ。
He’ll get to sixty steals but probably shy to or three bombs of sixty. Freaking amazing numbers.
He’ll get to sixty steals but probably shy to or three bombs of sixty. Freaking amazing numbers.
┗ yes レッドソックスファン
Bro I’m a judge fan but man this guy is something else
┗ ふたりとも偉大だよ。
they are both great
they are both great
┗ 自分もそう思う、大谷はまるで異世界から来た存在のようだ。両選手に対しては賞賛とリスペクトの気持ちを表するよ。
me too, Ohtani is from outer world.my admiration and respect for both.
me too, Ohtani is from outer world.my admiration and respect for both.
┗ 大谷がヤンキースに行ったらどうなるか想像してみてみよう。😮 めちゃくちゃ恐ろしいラインナップになるだろうね。
Imagine if he went to the Yankees, that would be a😮 scary scary lineup
Imagine if he went to the Yankees, that would be a😮 scary scary lineup
I'm done complaining. I've accepted ohtani as a permanent face in my feed
┗ つまり、MLBの顔に定着することを受け入れるということだね。
You mean the permanent face of the MLB.
You mean the permanent face of the MLB.
Even Yankees based sports media knows that Ohtani is THE face of the game. https://t.co/xA86Pn6taI pic.twitter.com/2yqKdswZ2k
— Justin Hanson (@HunterHanson1) September 23, 2024
この男は、今まさに2016年のステフィン・カリー状態だね 😭
This is man is on 2016 steph curry run rn 😭
NBA選手ステフィン・カリーが2015-2016シーズン、NBA史上初めて満場一致でMVPを受賞。史上初の満場一致、ステファン・カリーが2年連続のシーズンMVP受賞 | BASKET COUNT
He really is gonna be baseball’s Lebron huh
Can’t wait to see him hit 3 HR’s in 1 game in that SD series
Love that Lethal 1 Shohei and 2 Betts combinations and don’t forget lethal 3 Freeman as well because we are going to need it and I just believe the Dodgers will find a way to win the division title, win the playoffs and win that elusive championship. I know the pitching will come through. Just believe!!! GO DODGERS!!!
I think we might just go all the way this October
How many will he get at the end??
Awesome win!! C'mon Shohei. Set a new standard and get 60/60!!
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